Laboratory Models and Measurements for Air Quality and Climate Observations
Research, innovation and technological transfer on air pollution modelling, chemical transformation of gases and aerosols in the lower atmosphere, measurement and chemical and physical characterization of atmospheric particulate matter. Development of models for simulating the concentration and deposition fields of air pollutants at different scales - from street canyons to the national and continental scales in order to evaluate their impact on human health, ecosystems and cultural heritage. Development of modelling chains allowing to evaluate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of possible emission reduction strategies to better address air-quality policies. Experimental activities are performed both in a fixed and in a transportable laboratory for measurement campaigns and are mainly aimed at the chemical-physical characterization of particulate matter. Integrating measurements and models contributes to amplify the diagnostic skills.
Status: ongoing
CAMS National Collaboration Programme - Italy bis
User-driven Health risk Assessment Services and Innovative ADAPTation options against Threats from Heatwaves, Air Pollution, Wildfire Emission and Pollen
Accordo di Collaborazione, ai sensi dell’Art.15 della legge 7 agosto 1990, N. 241 e S.M.I., tra ENEA e MASE, per lo svolgimento di attività internazionali sul tema della qualità dell’aria
CAMS AERosol Advancement
CAMS EvOlution
CAMS2-40 air quality forecast
Status: Completed
Accordo ENEA - Regione Campania sulla qualità dell'aria
National Collaboration Programme per l'Italia del servizio Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service
Potenziamento della componente italiana della Infrastruttura ACTRIS