- Persone
- Milena Stracquadanio
Milena Stracquadanio
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Degree in Environmental Sciences, in 2000, at the University of Bologna. Ph.D in Environmental Sciences: Natural Resources Management and Conservation, in 2004, at the University of Bologna.
From 2004 to 2010 she had research fellowships at the University of Bologna in projects concerning the chemical characterization of different size of airborne particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PM1, PM10-0.4). She acquired expertise in: planning and performing sampling campaign of airborne particulate matter (PM); development of analytical methods, analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), Particulate Mercury (HgP), Total Carbon (TC) and Water Soluble Organic Compounds (WSOC) in different size classes of airborne particulate matter.
Since June 2012, at ENEA, she is engaged in research on the chemical characterization of PM (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) by means of off-line analysis (metals and trace elements, anhydrosugars, water-soluble inorganic ions, carbonaceous aerosol) and high temporal resolution on-line monitoring (non-refractory organic fraction and secondary ions, water-soluble inorganic ions, carbonaceous aerosol).