- Persone
- Ilaria D'Elia
Ilaria D'Elia
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She holds a Degree in Environmental Engineer and a PhD in Civil Engineer. In 2004 she started a scholarship in ENEA on emission and diffusion of air pollution through the development of the integrated assessment tool RAINS-Italy, and joined ENEA in 2012 with a permanent position in the laboratory of ‘Air Pollution’.
Her major research activities are devoted to integrating modelling chains to link energy and air quality model and to evaluate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of possible emission reduction strategies to better address air quality policies. She is also working on the development and update of the GAINS-Italy model and of an optimization tool for identifying cost-effective measures for improving air quality and on the assessment of national/regional energy and air quality plans. She is involved in the National Air Quality project MINNI on the development of an air quality integrated tool to analyse air pollution/air quality policies and supporting the Environmental Ministry in air quality/emission policy at international (in the Convention of Long-Range Transboundary air pollution, CLRTAP), European (especially in the new National Emission Ceiling Directive, 2016/2284/EU) and Italian level (Legislative Decree 155/2010). In supporting the Ministry of the Environment, she was a member of the Italian delegation during the negotiation both of the Gothenburg Protocol revision and of the new NEC Directive and represents Italy in the CLRTAP activities (Working Group on Strategies and Reviews, the Executive Body) and task forces (TFEIP –Emission Inventories and Projections; TFIAM – Integrated Assessment Modelling).