News and Events tagged: Notte Europea dei Ricercatori
News and events tagged with Notte Europea dei Ricercatori.
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- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Agro-food
- Food
- Environment
- Biodiversity
- Bio-economy
- Biorestoration
- Biotechnology
- Climate change
- Climate
- Eco-toxicology
- Ecomondo
- Blue Economy
- Circular economy
- Energy efficiency
- Energy
- Forests
- Formation
- Industry
- Air pollution
- Sea
- Nature-based Solutions
- Notte Europea dei Ricercatori
- New materials
- Open data
- Cultural heritage
- Air quality
- Materials recovery and recycling
- Natural risks
- Health
- Ecosystem services
- Soil
- Technology
- Territory
- Transizione ecologica
29 September 2023
La notte Europea dei ricercatori di Bologna: come ridurre la nostra impronta sul pianeta
30 September 2022
La notte Europea dei ricercatori 2022 a Bologna
1 October 2021