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Produzione scientifica

Found 72 results
Filtri: Autore is Maurizio Gualtieri  [Clear All Filters]
Impact of tire debris on in vitro and in vivo systems, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Andrioletti M., Mantecca P., Vismara C., and Camatini M. , Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Volume 2, (2005)
Toxicity of tire debris extracts on human lung cell line A549, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Rigamonti L., Galeotti V., and Camatini M. , Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 19, Number 7, p.1001-1008, (2005)
Toxicity of tire debris leachates, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Andrioletti M., Vismara C., Milani M., and Camatini M. , Environment International, Volume 31, Number 5, p.723-730, (2005)