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Amma-Model intercomparison project

TitoloAmma-Model intercomparison project
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2010
AutoriHourdin, F., Musat I., Guichard F., Ruti P.M., Favot F., Filiberti M.-A., Pham M.A.Ï., Grandpeix J.-Y., Polcher J.A.N., Marquet P., Boone A., Lafore J.-P., Redelsperger J.-L., Dell'Aquila Alessandro, Doval T.L., Traore A.K., and Gallee H.
RivistaBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Parole chiaveAtmospheric model, Atmospheric process, Climate models, Dynamical structure, Evaluation and improvement, Field campaign, Intercomparisons, Monsoon season, Monsoon system, Multi-disciplinary analysis, Operational network, Plasma waves, Regional model, Reinforcement, Surface station, Weather forecast models, Weather forecasting

The African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (AMMA) project was designed to address the main uncertainties in atmospheric processes controlling the monsoon system. It was designed to contribute to the evaluation and improvement of climate and weather forecast models. The observational strategy included reinforcement of the operational network of surface stations and of soundings on a long-term basis, along with an intensive field campaign during the monsoon season. The coordinated intercomparison and evaluation of global and regional atmospheric models started at the beginning of the AMMA project, leading to the creation of AMMA-Model Intercomparison Project (AMMA-MIP). The global and regional models were evaluated in terms of their ability to reproduce the mean West African climate and the seasonal, interseasonal variations of rainfall, and associated dynamical structures.


cited By 42

Citation KeyHourdin201095