Franco Catalano
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Found 28 results
Filtri: Autore is Franco Catalano
Dynamical downscaling of CMIP6 scenarios with ENEA-REG: an impact-oriented application for the Med-CORDEX region,
, Climate Dynamics, (2024)
A case study to investigate the role of aerosols reduction on the East Asian summer monsoon seasonal prediction,
, EGU General Assembly, (2023)
Improving the temporal and spatial vegetation variability in land surface models based on satellite observations,
, EGU General Assembly, (2023)
Interannual land cover and vegetation variability based on remote sensing data in the HTESSEL land surface model: implementation and effects on simulated water dynamics,
, Earth System Dynamics, Nov-29-2023, Volume 14, Issue 6, Number 6, p.1239 - 1259, (2023)
The EC-Earth3 Earth system model for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6,
, Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 15, Number 7, p.2973-3020, (2022)
Effects of aerosols reduction on the Asian summer monsoon prediction: the case of summer 2020,
, EGU General Assembly, (2022)
Improving the parameterization of vegetation cover variability in land surface models based on satellite observations,
, EGU General Assembly, (2022)
Determination of seasonal forecast skill in identifying extreme events of temperature, wind speed, and SPI,
, EGU General Assembly, (2021)
Determination of seasonal forecast skill in identifying extreme events of temperature wind speed and SPI,
, 9th SISC Annual Conference, (2021)
The EC-Earth3 Earth System Model for the Climate Model Intercomparison Project 6,
, Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 02/2021, (2021)
Land-surface feedbacks on temperature and precipitation in CMIP6-LS3MIP projections,
, EGU General Assembly, (2021)
Grand Multi-Model Seasonal Forecasts in the SECLI-FIRM project,
, EGU General Assembly, (2020)
A novel model independence methodology to improve multi-model seasonal forecasts combination,
, EGU General Assembly, (2020)
Varying snow and vegetation signatures of surface albedo feedback on the Northern Hemisphere land warming,
, Environmental Research Letters, 12/2020, Volume 16, Number 3, (2020)
Grand European and Asian-Pacific multi-model seasonal forecasts: maximization of skill and of potential economical value to end-users,
, Climate Dynamics, p.1-20, (2017)
Lo studio del cambiamento globale e della predicibilità climatica in ENEA tramite l’utilizzo di modelli del Sistema Terra,
, Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, Issue 1, (2016)
Multi-scale enhancement of climate prediction over land by increasing the model sensitivity to vegetation variability in EC-Earth,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 49, Number 4, p.1-23, (2016)
A new convective velocity scale for studying diurnal urban heat island circulation,
, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 55, Number 10, p.2151-2164, (2016)
Numerical study of the daytime planetary boundary layer over an idealized urban area: Influence of surface properties, anthropogenic heat flux, and geostrophic wind intensity,
, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 55, Number 4, p.1021-1039, (2016)
Observationally based analysis of land-atmosphere coupling,
, Earth System Dynamics, Volume 7, Number 1, p.251-266, (2016)
Analytical solutions of the balance equation for the scalar variance in one-dimensional turbulent flows under stationary conditions,
, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2015, (2015)
Seasonal climate forecasts for medium-term electricity demand forecasting,
, Applied Energy, Volume 137, p.435-444, (2015)
An alternative scaling for unsteady penetrative free convection,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 117, Number 17, (2012)
Numerical and Experimental Simulations of Local Winds,
, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Volume 125, p.199-218, (2012)