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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7572 results
Impedance and lithium-7 NMR studies of polymer electrolytes based on poly(vinylidene fluoride), Croce, F., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Slane S., Salomon M., Tavarez M., Arumugam S., Wang Y., and Greenbaum S.G. , Solid State Ionics, Volume 86-88, Number PART 1, p.307-312, (1996)
Influence of NAA concentration and of explant source on plantlet regeneration in white guinea yam Dioscorea rotundata Poir., Nwachukwu, E.C., Sonnino Andrea, and Mbanaso E.N.A. , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1996///, Volume 50, p.181 - 184, (1996)
Influenza dell’antropizzazione sull’avifauna dei Campi Flegrei in provincia di Napoli, Carrabba, Paola, and Grotta Maria , L’Avifauna degli ecosistemi di origine antropica: zone umide artificiali, coltivi, aree urbane., 1996, Volume 5:, Napoli, p.56-63, (1996)
Integrated control of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on table grapes in 1992-94 [Apulia], Moleas, T, Baldacchino Ferdinando, and Addante R , Difesa delle Piante (Italy), (1996)
Integrated treatments of steam explosion and enzymatic hydrolysis to produce energetic and industrial products from lignocellulosic biomasses, Antonio, Miceli, Daniela Cuna, Donato Viggiano, and Piero De Leo , AGRO food INDUSTRY HI-TECH, International Journal for Green Chemistry, 1996, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.25-28, (1996)
Investigation on LiCoCO2 materials for MCFC alternative cathodes, Giorgi, L., Carewska M., Scaccia S., Simonetti E., and Zarzana F. , Electrochemistry, Volume 64, Number 6, p.482-485, (1996)
Investigation on LiCoO2 materials for MCFC alternative cathodes, Giorgi, L., Carewska M., Scaccia S., Simonetti E., and Zarzana F. , Denki Kagaku, Volume 64, Number 6, p.482-485, (1996)
The Italian Antarctic meteorological observatory: Technical activity and some climatological results, Grigioni, P. , Italian Geophysical Observatories in Antarctica, p.135-149, (1996)
La cocciniglia nera della vite Targionia vitis (Sign.), Guario, A, Baldacchino Ferdinando, and Merlino S , Informatore Agrario, Volume 52, p.51–54, (1996)
La comunità ornitica dell’aeroporto "U. Niutta" (Capodichino - Napoli), Carrabba, Paola, Fraissinet Maurizio, and Grotta Maria , L’Avifauna degli ecosistemi di origine antropica: zone umide artificiali, coltivi, aree urbane., 1996, Volume 5:, Napoli, p.14-20, (1996)
La comunità ornitica di un Parco urbano di recente impianto: Taverna del Ferro (Napoli)., Fraissinet, Maurizio, Carrabba Paola, and Rusch Claudio Enrico , L’Avifauna degli ecosistemi di origine antropica: zone umide artificiali, coltivi, aree urbane., 1996, Volume 5:, Napoli, p.64-68, (1996)
Lagrangian velocity spectra at 700 m in the western North Atlantic, Rupolo, V., Hua B.L., Provenzale A., and Artale V. , Journal of Physical Oceanography, Volume 26, Number 8, p.1591-1607, (1996)
Low pressure tritium interaction with inconel 625 and AISI 316 L stainless steel surfaces: An evaluation of the recombination and adsorption constants, Perujo, A., Douglas K., and Serra Emanuele , Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 31, Number 2, p.101-108, (1996)
Microstructural evolution of plastically deformed metallic mixtures, Cardellini, F., Contini V., Mazzone G., Montone Amelia, and M. Antisari Vittori , Processing and Properties of Nanocrystalline Materials, Cleveland, OH, USA, p.177-187, (1996)
Microstructural properties of laser synthesized Si/C/N nanoparticles, Giorgi, R., Turtù S., Zappa Giovanna, Borsella E., Botti S., Cesile M.C., and Martelli S. , Applied Surface Science, 1996///, Volume 93, p.101 - 108, (1996)
Most recent Italian studies for the optimization of seismic isolation systems for civil and industrial structures, Martelli, A., Forni Massimo, Indirli Maurizio, Spadoni B., Bettinali F., Dusi A., Bonacina G., Pucci G., Marioni A., and Mazzieri C. , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 341, p.105-115, (1996)
Mutagenic activity of total and particle-sized fractions of urban particulate matter, Pagano, P., De Zaiacomo T., Scarcella E., Bruni Stefania, and Calamosca M. , Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 30, Number 12, p.3512-3516, (1996)
A new class of advanced polymer electrolytes and their relevance in plastic-like, rechargeable lithium batteries, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Dautzenberg G., and Scrosati B. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 143, Number 1, p.6-12, (1996)
Nuovi dati sulla biologia, distribuzione e populazione del Corriere Piccolo Charadrius dubius, nel Lazio, Biondi, M., Pietrelli L., Meschini A., and Cannavicci A. , Riv. Itaal. Orn., Volume 66, p.149-154, (1996)
Orographic clouds in north Victoria Land from AVHRR images, Zibordi, G., and Frezzotti M , Polar Record, Volume 32, Number 183, p.317-324, (1996)
Overview on the progress of Italian activities for the application of seismic isolation, Martelli, A., Forni Massimo, Bettinali F., Marioni A., and Bonacina G. , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 341, p.37-45, (1996)
Performance of a hollow fibre membrane unit in oxygen-enriched air production, Fabiani, Claudio, Bimbi L., Pizzichini Massimo, and Santarossa L. , Gas Separation and Purification, 1996///, Volume 10, p.75 - 79, (1996)
Photoelectrochemistry of the insertion compounds NaxInSe and LixInSe, Varsano, F., Tonti D., Decker F., and Cattarin S. , Solid State Ionics, Volume 92, Number 1-2, p.55-63, (1996)
Porting on parallel platforms of a tool for simulating the effects of lightning strokes on telecommunication buildings: A comparison on preliminary results about performances and accuracy on SIMD and MIMD architectures, Pomponi, R., D'Atanasio Paolo, Rubino E., Busuoli M., Bandinelli M., Casali B., Beccaria M., Cella G., Ciampa A., Curci G., et al. , High-Performance Computing and Networking – International Conference and Exhibition HPCN EUROPE 1996 – Brussels, Belgium, April 15-19, 1996 – Proceedings, Brussels, Belgium, p.51–59, (1996)
Position paper sulla biosicurezza in relazione alla protezione della biodiversità, Luperini, Aldo, Carrabba Paola, De Murtas Italo Dante, Levi Gabriella, Padovani Laura Maria, Anzidei Patrizia, Appolloni Massimo, and Mauro Francesco , 1996, Roma, (1996)