Produzione Scientifica
Found 7572 results
High expression of truncated viral rep protein confers resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus in transgenic tomato plants,
, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 1997///, Volume 10, p.571 - 579, (1997)
High-performance electrolyte membranes for plastic lithium batteries,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 66, Number 1-2, p.77-82, (1997)
Hydrogen in the martensitic Din 1.4914: A review,
, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 253-254, p.152-155, (1997)
Ice front fluctuation, iceberg calving flux and mass balance of Victoria Land glaciers,
, Antarctic Science, Volume 9, Number 1, p.61-73, (1997)
Identification of toxic algae in mixed populations by flow cytometry,
, Identificazione di alghe tossiche in popolazioni naturali miste mediante l’uso di citometria a flussoIgiene Moderna, 1997///, Volume 107, p.207 - 216, (1997)
In vitro reactivity of the antineoplastic drug carmustin and acrolein with model peptides,
, Journal of Peptide Research, Volume 49, Number 6, p.586-595, (1997)
Induced Sterility in Greenhouse Whitefly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) Treated with Gamma Radiation,
, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 90, Number 4, p.1022-1027, (1997)
Induction and transmission of chromosomes aberrations in mouse oocytes after treatment with butadiene diepoxide,
, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, Volume 30, Number 4, p.403-409, (1997)
Influence of the surface conditions on permeation in the deuterium-MANET system,
, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 240, Number 3, p.215-220, (1997)
Influence of traps on the deuterium behaviour in the low activation martensitic steels F82H and Batman,
, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 245, Number 2-3, p.108-114, (1997)
Inheritance of parental genomes in progenies of Poa pratensis L. from sexual and apomictic genotypes as assessed by RAPD markers and flow cytometry,
, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1997///, Volume 95, p.516 - 524, (1997)
Inter laboratory comparison for reliability and reproducibility of plant DNA flow cytometry.,
, European journal of histochemistry : EJH, 1997///, Volume 41 Suppl 2, p.177 - 178, (1997)
Intercomparison between BATS LSPM surface schemes, using point micrometeorological data set,
, Contributions to Atmospheric Physics, Volume 70, Number 3, p.201-220, (1997)
Ion potential diagrams as guidelines for stability and performance of electrochromic devices,
, Ionics, Volume 3, Number 5-6, p.420-426, (1997)
Large area a-Si/a-Si tandem module with 9.1% conversion efficiency,
, Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, p.707-710, (1997)
Late Pleistocene and Holocene level fluctuations of the ephemeral lake of the Pezza Plain (Abruzzo, Central Italy) [Le oscillazioni tardo-pleistoceniche ed oloceniche del lago effimero del piano di pezza (Abruzzo- Italia centrale)],
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 10, Number 2, p.191-199, (1997)
Late Pleistocene Glacial Events in the Central Apennines, Italy,
, Quaternary Research, Volume 48, Number 3, p.280-290, (1997)
Leaf effects of wild species of Solanum and interspecific hybrids on growth and behaviour of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller,
, Potato Research, 1997///, Volume 40, p.417 - 430, (1997)
Li+ solvation in ethylene carbonate-propylene carbonate concentrated solutions: A comprehensive model,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 107, Number 15, p.5740-5747, (1997)
Lidar observations of polar stratospheric clouds at the South Pole .1. Stratospheric unperturbed conditions, 1990,
, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, JUN 20, Volume 102, Number 11D, p.12937-12943, (1997)
Lidar observations of polar stratospheric clouds at the South Pole 2. Stratospheric perturbed conditions, 1992 and 1993,
, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, Number D11, p.[d]12,945-12,955, (1997)
Light-dependent regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis occurs at the level of phytoene synthase expression and is mediated by phytochrome in Sinapis alba and Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings,
, Plant Journal, Volume 12, Number 3, p.625-634, (1997)
A lithium plastic battery using a Cr-stabilized manganese spinel cathode,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 144, Number 6, p.L138-L140, (1997)
Mechanical alloying in immiscible systems,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 235-238, Number PART 1, p.175-180, (1997)
Mechanical alloying of immiscible elements: Experimental results on Ag-Cu and Co-Cu,
, Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties, Volume 76, Number 4, p.651-662, (1997)