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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7572 results
SAW NOx gas sensor using WO3 thin-film sensitive coating, Penza, Michele, and Vasanelli L. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 41, Number 1-3, p.31-36, (1997)
Selective gas detection using uncoated SAW delay lines, Penza, Michele, Anisimkin V.I., Maximov S.A., and Vasanelli L. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 42, Number 2, p.103-107, (1997)
Selective NH3 gas sensor based on Langmuir-Blodgett polypyrrole film, Penza, Michele, Milella E., Alba M.B., Quirini A., and Vasanelli L. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 40, Number 2-3, p.205-209, (1997)
Self-scaling properties of velocity circulation in shear flows, Benzi, R., Biferale L., Struglia Maria Vittoria, and Tripiccione R. , Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, Volume 55, Number 3, p.3739 – 3742, (1997)
Semi-quantitative time resolved LIBS measurements, Barbini, R., Colao F., Fantoni R., Palucci A., Ribezzo S., Van Der Steen H.J.L., and Angelone Massimo , Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Volume 65, Number 1, p.101-107, (1997)
Sex identification in the Egyptian Vulture by flow cytometry and cytogenetics, Cavallo, D., de VITA R., Eleuteri Patrizia, Belterman R.H.R., and DelL'Omo G. , Condor, Volume 99, Number 3, p.829-832, (1997)
Structural and morphological properties of in-situ PLD YBCO/STO/YBCO trilayer, Petrisor, T., Boffa V., Fabbri F., Neri D., Montone Amelia, and Krasnowski M. , Superlattices and Microstructures, Volume 21, Number 3, p.487-491, (1997)
Synthesis of aluminum oxide-based ceramics by laser photoinduced reactions from gaseous precursors, Alexandrescu, R., Borsella E., Botti S., Cesile M.P., Martelli S., Giorgi R., Turtù S., and Zappa Giovanna , Journal of Materials Research, 1997///, Volume 12, p.774 - 782, (1997)
Synthesis of TiC and SiC/TiC nanocrystalline powders by gas-phase laser-induced reaction, Alexandrescu, R., Borsella E., Botti S., Cesile M.C., Martelli S., Giorgi R., Turtù S., and Zappa Giovanna , Journal of Materials Science, 1997///, Volume 32, p.5629 - 5635, (1997)
Thermal structure of the winter middle atmosphere observed by lidar at Thule, Greenland, during 1993-1994, Marenco, F., Di Sarra Alcide, Cacciani M., Fiocco G., and Fuà D. , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 59, Number 2, p.151-158, (1997)
Thermoconductometric detection of gases and gas flows by means of SAW delay lines, Anisimkin, V.I., Maksimov S.A., Penza Michele, and Vasanelli L. , Technical Physics, Volume 42, Number 5, p.564-568, (1997)
Use of hematopoetic cytokines to accelerate the recovery of the immune system in irradiated mice, Frasca, D., Guidi F., Arbitrio M., Pioli Claudio, Leter Giorgio, Spanò M., and Doria G. , Experimental Hematology, Volume 25, Number 11, p.1167-1171, (1997)
Validation and performance analysis of a parallel ported code for simulating the effects of lightning strokes on telecommunication buildings, Pomponi, R., Busuoli M., D'Atanasio Paolo, Rubino E., Bandinelli M., Bessi F., Beccaria M., Cella G., Ciampa A., Curci G., et al. , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 1225, Number 150, p.71–83, (1997)
X-ray reflectivity analysis of thin TiN and TiOxNy films deposited by dual-ion-beam sputtering on (100) Si substrates, Alvisi, Marco, Rizzo Antonella, Tapfer Leander, and Vasanelli L. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 298, Number 1-2, p.130-134, (1997)
Advection-diffusion processes and residence times in semienclosed marine basins, Buffoni, G., Cappelletti Andrea, and Cupini E. , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 22, Number 12, p.1207-1229, (1996)
Amphotericin B colloidal dispersion in bone marrow transplantation, Noskin, G., Pietrelli L., and Gurith M. , Ninth International Symposium on Infections in the Immunocompromised Host, (1996)
Amphotericin B colloidal dispersion in bone marrow transplantation (BMT), Noskin, G., Pietrelli L., and Gurwith M. , 9th International Symposium on Infections in the Immunocompromised Host, (1996)
Anaerobic treatment of cheese whey with a downflow-upflow hybrid reactor, Malaspina, F., Cellamare C.M., Stante Loredana, and Tilche A. , Bioresource Technology, Volume 55, Number 2, p.131-139, (1996)
Analisi preliminare della biodiversità del lago d’Averno (NA), Grotta, Maria, Cuozzo Valeria, D’Antonio C., and Carrabba Paola , Atti del VII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia, 1996, Volume 17:, Napoli, p.289-292, (1996)
Anelastic relaxations in aluminium with ultrafine grain structure, Bonetti, E., Pasquini L., Sampaolesi E., and Alvisi Marco , Journal De Physique. IV : JP, Volume 6, Number 8, p.C8-345-C8-348, (1996)
[The black cochineal of the grape Targionia vitis (Sign.)[in Apulia]].[Italian], Guario, A, Merlino S, and Baldacchino Ferdinando , Informatore Agrario, (1996)
The centromere as a target for the induction of chromosome damage in resting and proliferating mammalian cells: Assessment of mitomycin C-induced genetic damage at kinetochores and centromeres by a micronucleus test in mouse splenocytes, Renzi, L., Pacchierotti Francesca, and Russo A. , Mutagenesis, Volume 11, Number 2, p.133-138, (1996)
Characterisation of thin amorphous silicon films with multiple internal reflectance spectroscopy, Fameli, G., Della Sala Dario, Roca F., and Gerardi C. , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 198-200, Number PART 1, p.69-72, (1996)
A comparison of doses from 137Cs and 210Po in marine food: A major international study, Aarkrog, A., Baxter M.S., Bettencourt A.O., Bojanowski R., Bologa A., Charmasson S., Cunha I., Delfanti Roberta, Duran E., Holm E., et al. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 34, Number 1, p.69-90, (1996)
Construction of chromosome-specific DNA libraries covering the whole genome of field bean (Vicia faba L.), Macas, J., Gualberti G., Nouzová M., Samec P., Lucretti Sergio, and Doležel Jaroslav , Chromosome Research, 1996///, Volume 4, p.531 - 539, (1996)