Maria Vittoria Guarino
Schede primarie
I am an atmospheric scienitst and numerical modeller.
I study the atmosphere (lower and upper layers) and the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean system. I am particularly interested in atmospheric gravity waves, and the large scale coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean.
My studies mostly focus on Antarctica. I study the coupling between atmosphere and ocean via sea ice. In particular, I am interested in how sea ice is affected by changes in the parameterised orographic gravity wave drag in current climate models.
On the topics of gravity wave modelling and climate at the polar regions I collaborate with researchers across various international institutions, among these: UK Met Office, British Antarctic Survey (Cambridge, UK), University of Leeds.
My webpages
26 February 2025 PodCast "Alla Ricerca"
Science Podcast entitled "Da Trieste al Polo Sud" ("From Trieste to the South Pole") produced by Italian National Radio Service RAI and SISSA, in collaboration with ICTP.
In the podcats, we discuss Antarctica - why does it matter?, and climate models- what can they tell us about the past and future of Earth's climate?
LINK to Podcast (Italian only): Here