Serena Falasca
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Found 27 results
Filtri: Autore is Serena Falasca
Assessment of the urban pollution island intensity in Rome (Italy) from in-situ PM measurements,
, Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology, Volume 5, Number 1, (2024)
Investigating the effects of the greenery increase on air temperature, ventilation and cooling energy demand in Melbourne with the Weather Research and Forecasting model and Local Climate Zones,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 953, (2024)
A Sensitivity Study of a Bayesian Inversion Model Used to Estimate Emissions of Synthetic Greenhouse Gases at the European Scale,
, Atmosphere, Volume 15, Number 1, (2024)
Assessing the Potential Energy Savings in Residential Buildings by City-Scale Application of Cool Materials in a Temperate Oceanic Metropolis,
, Environmental Science and Engineering, p.2885 – 2893, (2023)
Characterization of Nitrogen Dioxide Variability Using Ground-Based and Satellite Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements in the Tiber Valley (Lazio, Italy),
, Remote Sensing, Volume 15, Number 15, (2023)
Climate-change related evolution of future building cooling energy demand in a Mediterranean Country,
, Energy and Buildings, Volume 290, (2023)
Effect of heatwaves on urban sea breeze, heat island intensity, and outdoor thermo-hygrometric comfort in Rome (Italy),
, Urban Climate, Volume 52, (2023)
On the identification and characterization of outdoor thermo-hygrometric stress events,
, Urban Climate, Volume 52, (2023)
Temporal Variation of NO2 and O3 in Rome (Italy) from Pandora and In Situ Measurements,
, Atmosphere, Volume 14, Number 3, (2023)
Estimating building cooling energy demand through the Cooling Degree Hours in a changing climate: A modeling study,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 76, (2022)
On the mitigation potential of higher urban albedo in a temperate oceanic metropolis,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 81, (2022)
A Preliminary Study of Summer Thermo-Hygrometric Comfort under Different Environmental Conditions in a Mediterranean City,
, Urban Science, Volume 6, Number 3, (2022)
On the association between high outdoor thermo-hygrometric comfort index and severe ground-level ozone: A first investigation,
, Environmental Research, Volume 195, (2021)
A first approach to the optimization of landing and take-off operations through intelligent algorithms for compliance with the acoustic standards in multi-runway airports,
, Applied Acoustics, Volume 181, (2021)
Sensitivity of near-surface meteorology to PBL schemes in WRF simulations in a port-industrial area with complex terrain,
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 264, (2021)
Energy demands of buildings in the framework of climate change: An investigation across Europe,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 60, (2020)
Outdoor thermal perception and comfort conditions in the Köppen-Geiger climate category BSk. one-year field survey and measurement campaign in Konya, Turkey,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 738, (2020)
Sensitivity of heating performance of an energy self-sufficient building to climate zone, climate change and HVAC system solutions,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 61, (2020)
Defining ecological regions in Italy based on a multivariate clustering approach: A first step towards a targeted vector borne disease surveillance,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 14, Number 7, (2019)
Future energy demands of European buildings in the framework of climate change: A scoping study,
, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 2394, (2019)
High albedo materials to counteract heat waves in cities: An assessment of meteorology, buildings energy needs and pedestrian thermal comfort,
, Building and Environment, Volume 163, (2019)
Resilience of a building to future climate conditions in three European cities,
, Energies, Volume 12, Number 23, (2019)
High-resolution air quality modeling: Sensitivity tests to horizontal resolution and urban canopy with WRF-CHIMERE,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 187, p.241 – 254, (2018)
Influence of input climatic data on simulations of annual energy needs of a building: Energyplus and WRF modeling for a case study in Rome (Italy),
, Energies, Volume 11, Number 10, (2018)
Numerical study of the daytime planetary boundary layer over an idealized urban area: Influence of surface properties, anthropogenic heat flux, and geostrophic wind intensity,
, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 55, Number 4, p.1021-1039, (2016)