Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Flavonoid metabolism in Forsythia flowers,
, Plant Science, Volume 139, Number 2, p.133-140, (1998)
Gas sensing properties of langmuir-blodgett polypyrrole film investigated by surface acoustic waves,
, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Volume 45, Number 5, p.1125-1132, (1998)
Genetic effects of 1,3-butadiene and associated risk for heritable damage,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 397, Number 1, p.93-115, (1998)
Greater antitumor efficacy of paclitaxel administered before epirubicin in a mouse mammary carcinoma,
, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, Volume 124, Number 5, p.236-244, (1998)
Host Preference and Performance of Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Weeds in Central Italy,
, Environmental Entomology, December 1998, Volume 27, p.1350-1356, (1998)
Hot-dip aluminium deposit as a permeation barrier for MANET steel,
, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 41, Number 1-4, p.149-155, (1998)
Hybrid FDTD/Kirchhoff Methods to Model Electromagnetic Propagation in Large Domains,
, Atti del Convegno “FDDay98” – Giornata Nazionale sul Metodo FDTD, apr, Roma, (1998)
The Hybrid Method FDTD/Kirchhoff for Electromagnetic Simulation and Modeling: An Analysis of Memory Requirements,
, 12th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM 98), jun, Manchester, UK, (1998)
Hydrogen and deuterium in Pd-25 Pct Ag alloy: Permeation, diffusion, solubilization, and surface reaction,
, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Volume 29, Number 13, p.1023-1028, (1998)
Hydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters in a Cu-0.65Cr-0.08Zr alloy for fusion reactor applications,
, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 258-263, Number PART 1 A, p.1028-1032, (1998)
Hydrogen behaviour in aged low activation martensitic steel F82H for fusion reactor applications,
, Materials Science and Technology, Volume 14, Number 6, p.573-578, (1998)
Hydrogen isotopes transport parameters in fusion reactor materials,
, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 255, Number 2-3, p.105-115, (1998)
Ice-front change and iceberg behaviour along Oates and George V Coasts, Antarctica, 1912-96,
, Annals of Glaciology, Volume 27, p.643-650, (1998)
Identification of artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV) proteins required for virus replication: Complementation of AMCV p33 and p92 replication defective mutants,
, Journal of General Virology, Volume 79, Number 3, p.639-647, (1998)
Il glacialismo tardo-pleistocenico del Massiccio del Terminillo (Lazio - Appennino Centrale),
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 11, Number 1, p.121-125, (1998)
Images Classification Using Algorithms to Neural Networks,,
, 2nd National Conference of the Federation of Scientific Associations for Territorial and Environmental Information, (1998)
Infestations of Plutella xylostella on broccoli in Apulia and possibility of integrated pest management [Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck],
, Informatore Fitopatologico (Italy), (1998)
Infestazioni di Plutella xylostella su cavolo broccolo in Puglia e possibilita di controllo integrato,
, INFORMATORE FITOPATOLOGICO, Volume 48, p.71–75, (1998)
The influence of ion mass and energy on the composition of IBAD oxide films,
, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 108-109, p.297-302, (1998)
Influence of plant development, cultivar and soil type on microbial colonization of maize roots,
, Applied Soil Ecology, 1998///, Volume 8, p.11 - 18, (1998)
Influenza delle differenti cultivar di olivo (Olea Europea) sulla dinamica di popolazione di Bactrocera oleae (Diptera tephritidae),
, XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia, Volume Book of Abstracts, Maratea, p.121, (1998)
Inhibition of IL-2 production by Nil-2-a in murine T cells,
, International Immunology, Volume 10, Number 10, p.1435-1440, (1998)
Inoculation of Burkholderia cepacia, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Enterobacter sp. on Sorghum bicolor: Root colonization and plant growth promotion of dual strain inocula,
, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1998///, Volume 30, p.81 - 87, (1998)
Investigation of ion dynamics in LiClO4/EC/PC highly concentrated solutions by ionic conductivity and DSC measurements,
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 43, Number 10-11, p.1441-1446, (1998)
Ion potential diagrams for electrochromic devices,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 145, Number 12, p.4212-4218, (1998)