Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Refined, in-situ EDXD structural analysis of the Li[Li1/3Ti5/3]O4 electrode under lithium insertion-extraction,
, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 3, Number 5, p.845-847, (2001)
The resistive anomaly and upward curvature of the perpendicular upper critical field in non-homogeneous superconductors,
, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Volume 13, Number 13, p.3215-3221, (2001)
Respiratory chain defects in hereditary spastic paraplegias,
, Neuromuscular Disorders, Volume 11, Number 6-7, p.565-569, (2001)
Rifted(?) crust at the East Antarctic Craton margin: Gravity and magnetic interpretation along a traverse across the Wilkes Subglacial Basin region,
, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 192, Number 3, p.407-421, (2001)
Road as waste repository: Technical and environmental aspects,
, RMRC Proceedings, (2001)
Roads as waste repository: Technical and environmental aspects,
, Proceedings of the International Conference "Beneficial Use of Recycled Materials in Transportation Applications", (2001)
Saharan dust profiles measured by lidar at Lampedusa,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 106, Number D10, p.10335-10347, (2001)
Satellite image map: Northern Foothills and Inexpressible Island area (Victoria Land, Antarctica),
, Terra Antartica Reports, Volume 6, p.8, (2001)
Satellite observations of upper-ocean currents in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica,
, Annals of Glaciology, Volume 33, p.407-412, (2001)
SAW chemical sensing using poly-ynes and organometallic polymer films,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 81, Number 1, p.88-98, (2001)
The sedimentary filling of small depressions on Central Apennine till deposits: A contribution to the understanding of the post-glacial environmental variations [I sedimenti d! riempimento di piccole conche sulle morene dell'appennino centrale: Un contrib,
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 14, Number 2, p.131-136, (2001)
Selection of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms in activated sludge,
, Environmental Technology, Volume 22, Number 12, p.1429-1437, (2001)
Self-assembly of photoluminescent silicon films: Influence of doping on the physical properties,
, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 79, Number 14, p.2202-2204, (2001)
A semi-synthetic repertoire of intrinsically stable antibody fragments derived from a single-framework scaffold,
, Journal of Molecular Biology, Volume 310, Number 3, p.603-615, (2001)
Sex-related variations of serum immunoglobulins during reproduction in gilthead sea bream and evidence for a transfer from the female to the eggs,
, Journal of Fish Biology, 2001///, Volume 59, p.1503 - 1511, (2001)
Signal dl structures striped parallel (sorted stripes) su Debris of gran sasso of Italy (Abruzzo) [Segnalazione dl strutture a strisce parallele (sorted stripes) su detrito del gran sasso d'Ltalia (Abruzzo)],
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 14, Number 1, p.5-8, (2001)
A simplified model of the water soluble organic component of atmospheric aerosols,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 28, Number 21, p.4079-4082, (2001)
Sol-Gel Processing and Characterization of Pure and Metal-Doped SnO2 Thin Films,
, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 84, Number 1, p.48-54, (2001)
Sorting of plant chromosomes,
, Methods in Cell Biology, 2001///, p.3 - 31, (2001)
Sputter deposited cerium-vanadium oxide: Optical characterization and electrochromic behavior,
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 46, Number 13-14, p.2085-2090, (2001)
Stimulated rotational and vibrational Raman scattering by elliptical polarized pump radiation,
, Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 64, Number 2, p.023812/1-023812/8, (2001)
Stromal cells and human malignant neuroblasts derived from bone marrow metastasis may share common karyotypic abnormalities: The case of the IGR-N-91 cell line,
, Medical and Pediatric Oncology, Volume 36, Number 1, p.100-103, (2001)
Structural and optical properties of silver thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 396, Number 1-2, p.29-35, (2001)
Structural, optical and chemical properties of Zns and Cds nanoparticles obtained by an improved colloidal chemistry synthetic route,
, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Volume 676, San Francisco, CA, p.Y2.4.1-Y2.4.6, (2001)
Structural properties of carbon-implanted TiN coatings studied by glancing-incidence X-ray diffraction,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 378-381, Number II, Barcelona, p.723-728, (2001)