Produzione scientifica
Found 7564 results
Phase-unifying mirrors for high-power XeF excimer lasers,
, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 82, Number 12, p.1809-1811, (2003)
Photoreversible dark state in a tristable green fluorescent protein variant,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 107, Number 7, p.1679-1684, (2003)
Preliminary data on surface wind fields along the IT-ITASE traverse (East Antarctica),
, Terra Antartica Reports, Number 8, p.57-60, (2003)
Preparation and characterization of cobalt-based nanostructured materials,
, European Physical Journal B, Volume 31, Number 4, p.545-551, (2003)
Preparazione e certificazione di soluzioni di taratura monoelementari,
, Number 2003/35/BIOTEC, (2003)
Presence of a vanA-carrying pheromone response plasmid (pBRG1) in a clinical isolate of Enterococcus faecium.,
, Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 2003 May, Volume 47, p.1571-6, (2003)
Presence of plant protection products in three agricultural areas of Regione Lazio.,
, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences, Volume 68, Number 4 Pt B, p.865-874, (2003)
Progetto “ProLagunas” – Protezione e recupero delle zone umide costiere del Caribe Colombiano.,
, XX Convegno SITE, 2003., 2003, (2003)
A prospective study to evaluate the screening of plasma pools from volunteer blood donations for the presence of HBV DNA,
, Transfusion, Volume 43, (2003)
A prospective study to evaluate the screening of plasma pools from volunteer blood donations (VBD) for the presence of HBV DNA,
, Transfusion, Volume 43, Number SUPPL. 9S, p.26a, (2003)
Psylliodes chalcomerus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae), a flea beetle candidate for biological control of yellow starthistle Centaurea solstitialis,
, 2003, Volume Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, p.75-80, (2003)
P-type strontium-copper mixed oxide deposited by e-beam evaporation,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 444, Number 1-2, p.70-74, (2003)
Radio Echo Sounding (RES) investigations at Talos Dome (East Antarctica): Bedrock topography and ice thickness,
, Annals of Geophysics, Volume 46, Number 6, p.1265-1270, (2003)
Radionuclides deposition over Antarctica,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 68, Number 2, p.137-158, (2003)
The relationship between anaerobic lactate threshold and plasma catecholamines during incremental exercise in hereditary spastic paraplegia,
, Functional Neurology, Volume 18, Number 2, p.83-87, (2003)
A rhizospheric Burkholderia cepacia complex population: Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Burkholderia cenocepacia and Burkholderia ambifaria,
, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 46, Number 2, p.179-187, (2003)
Role of volcanic dust in the atmospheric transport and deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and mercury,
, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 5, Number 6, p.984-988, (2003)
Ruthenium oxide-added quartz iron phosphate as a new intercalation electrode in rechargeable lithium cells,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 150, Number 5, p.A576-A581, (2003)
Satellite estimate of grass biomass in a mountainous range in central Italy,
, Agroforestry Systems, 2003///, Volume 59, p.157 - 162, (2003)
SCCA2-like serpins mediate genetic predisposition to skin tumors,
, Cancer Research, Volume 63, Number 8, p.1871-1875, (2003)
Sensitivity of the Mediterranean circulation to horizontal space-time-dependent tracer diffusivity field in a OGCM,
, Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 26, Number 4, p.387-415, (2003)
Sludge dewatering using macrophytes in a small wastewater treatment system: A case study of a pilot scale plant in Northern Italy,
, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 38, Number 10, p.2425-2433, (2003)
Solubility properties of surfactants in atmospheric aerosol and cloud/fog water samples,
, Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 108, Number 21, p.AAC 6-1 - AAC 6-9, (2003)
Stretching, alignment, and shear in slowly varying velocity fields,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 68, Number 5 2, p.563041-563046, (2003)
Structural and functional characterization of the phytoene synthase promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana,
, Planta, 2003///, Volume 216, p.523 - 534, (2003)