Produzione scientifica
Found 7564 results
Strawberry fruit quality: Biochemical and molecular aspects,
, Acta Horticulturae, Volume 708, p.359-362, (2006)
On the structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles formed in silica by ion implantation,
, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 942, San Francisco, CA, p.45-51, (2006)
A study of the microstructural and diffusion properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) cryogels containing surfactant supramolecular aggregates,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 110, Number 46, p.23031-23040, (2006)
The subduction structure of the northern Apennines: Results from the RETREAT seismic deployment,
, Annals of Geophysics, Volume 49, Number 4-5, p.1119-1131, (2006)
A subminiature scintillation detector for catheter operation,
, Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 9th Conference, Como, p.82-86, (2006)
Sviluppo di tecnologie biologiche in alternativa all’impiego dei fitofarmaci per la difesa fitosanitaria delle colture in serra,
, Number 2006/20/BIOTEC, (2006)
Synthesis and characterization of new electroluminescent molecules containing carbazole and oxadiazole units,
, Synthetic Metals, Volume 156, Number 1, p.13-20, (2006)
Synthesis of hydrophobic ionic liquids for electrochemical applications,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 153, Number 9, p.A1685-A1691, (2006)
A systematic approach in the evaluation of uncertainty in Analytical Chemistry. Application to ICP-AES analysis,
, Combining and reporting analytical results., p.161-167, (2006)
Ten years of experience with weekly chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer patients: Multivariate analysis of prognostic factors,
, Anti-Cancer Drugs, Volume 17, Number 10, p.1193-1200, (2006)
Testing kernel density reconstruction for Lagrangian photochemical modelling,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 40, Number 40, p.7770-7785, (2006)
TiO2(B) nanowires as an improved anode material for lithium-ion batteries containing LiFePO4 or LiNi0.5Mn 1.5O4 cathodes and a polymer electrolyte,
, Advanced Materials, Volume 18, Number 19, p.2597-2600, (2006)
Toxic effects of Irgarol and Diuron on sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus early development, fertilization, and offspring quality,
, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 51, Number 1, p.61-68, (2006)
Transport of volcanic aerosol in the troposphere: The case study of the 2002 Etna plume,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 111, Number 21, (2006)
TRF2 inhibition triggers apoptosis and reduces tumourigenicity of human melanoma cells,
, European Journal of Cancer, Volume 42, Number 12, p.1881-1888, (2006)
Two dimensional patterning of fluorescent proteins in hydrogels,
, Langmuir, Volume 22, Number 1, p.29-31, (2006)
Two new genera and two new species of the subterranean family Bogidiellidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from groundwaters in northern Oman, with notes on the geographic distribution of the family,
, Zootaxa, 2006///, p.37 - 56, (2006)
Two-hit model for progression of medulloblastoma preneoplasia in Patched heterozygous mice.,
, Oncogene, 2006 Sep 07, Volume 25, Issue 40, p.5575-80, (2006)
Utilizzo di compost in agricoltura:una causa e un rimedio dell’inquinamento dei suoli da elementi tossici,
, FERTILIFE “Dai rifiuti nuove opportunità per una moderna agricoltura” - 22/11/2005, Castello di Torreinpietra (Roma), (2006)
Validation of a Lagrangian dispersion model implementing different kernel methods for density reconstruction,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 40, Number 40, p.8020-8033, (2006)
Validation of the Raman lidar algorithm for quantifying aerosol extinction,
, Applied Optics, Volume 45, Number 27, p.7073-7088, (2006)
Vegetazione nel progetto RIADE: il valore di bioindicatore del manto vegetale per descrivere i fenomeni di cambiamento. Il bosco Pantano di Policoro nell’analisi dei processi di desertificazione.,
, Atti del XVI Congresso SItE, 19–22 Settembre 2006, 09/2006, Viterbo, (2006)
Wild-type wine Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a tool to evaluate the effects on eukaryotic life of locally used herbicides,
, International Journal of Ecodynamics, Volume 1, Number 3, p.266-283, (2006)
α-tocopherol from Italian hazelnut germplasm,
, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2006///, Volume 42, p.96 - 97, (2006)
0.4 Ah class graphite/LiMn2O4 lithium-ion battery prototypes,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 146, Number 1-2, p.793-797, (2005)