Produzione scientifica
Found 7563 results
La conservazione on farm, un valido strumento per la tutela di preziose risorse genetiche di nocciolo.,
, Corylus & Co, Volume Anno III numero I, p.29-38, (2012)
La sfida della sicurezza alimentare: sfamare la crescente popolazione mondiale nonostante le minacce ambientali, economiche e sociali,
, Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 01/2012, Volume 41, p.55-64, (2012)
Laboratory and field experimental evaluation of host plant specificity of Aceria solstitialis, a prospective biological control agent of yellow starthistle,
, Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2012///, Volume 56, p.43 - 55, (2012)
L'acqua e la sicurezza alimentare,
,, (2012)
The land bridge between Europe and Sicily over the past 40 kyrs: Timing of emersion and implications for the migration of Homo sapiens,
, Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, Volume 21, Number PART 2, p.1167-1169, (2012)
Landslide HotSpot Mapping by means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry,
, Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume 67, Number 4, p.1155-1172, (2012)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Foreword,
, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012///, Volume 109 LNEE, p.v - vi, (2012)
The LHCBM1 and LHCBM2/7 polypeptides, components of the major LHCII complex, have distinct functional roles in the photosynthetic antenna system of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.,
, The Journal of biological chemistry, 2012 May 11, Volume 287, Number 20, p.16276-16288, (2012)
Life cycle assessment of Italian high quality milk production. A comparison with an EPD study,
, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 28, p.150-159, (2012)
Linee guida per la replicazione del modello DINAMO,
, Volume unico, Roma, p.80, (2012)
Long term reproduction data of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus along a Mediterranean coast,
, Wader Study Group Bulletin, Volume 119, Number 2, p.114-119, (2012)
Long-term risk in a recently active volcanic system: Evaluation of doses and indoor radiological risk in the quaternary Vulsini Volcanic District (Central Italy),
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 247-248, p.26-36, (2012)
The Lsktm1 locus modulates lung and skin tumorigenesis in the mouse.,
, G3 (Bethesda, Md.), Volume 2, Number 9, p.1041-1046, (2012)
The lsktm1 locus modulates lung and skin tumorigenesis in the mouse,
, G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, Volume 2, Number 9, p.1041-1046, (2012)
Magnesium hydride as a high capacity negative electrode for lithium ion batteries,
, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Volume 22, Number 29, p.14531-14537, (2012)
Magnesium nanoparticles for hydrogen storage: Structure, kinetics and thermodynamics,
, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 38, Number 1, Riga, (2012)
Manca in Europa un quadro di riferimento per la gestione sostenibile del suolo,
, Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, 02/2012, Volume 2/2012, p.29-31, (2012)
Mass balance of emerging organic micropollutants in a small wastewater treatment plant,
, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 164, New Forest, p.345-356, (2012)
The May 2012 seismic sequence in Pianura Padana Emiliana: hazard, historical seismicity and preliminary analysis of accelerometric records,
, ENERGIA, AMBIENTE E INNOVAZIONE, Volume 4-5, p.6–22, (2012)
The measurement of induced genetic change in mammalian germ cells,
, Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 817, p.335-375, (2012)
, I International Symposium on Mycotoxins in Nuts and Dried Fruits, 10/2012, Volume 963, Islamic Azad University Damghan, Iran, p.83, (2012)
Microdosimetry for ultrashort electric pulses: A literature review,
, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012, p.340-343, (2012)
Microstructural and kinetic evolution of Fe doped MgH2 during H2 cycling,
, Catalysts, Volume 2, Number 3, p.400-411, (2012)
Mixtures of ionic liquids for low temperature electrolytes,
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 82, p.69-74, (2012)
Modeling of the mediterranean climate system,
, The Climate of the Mediterranean Region, p.419-448, (2012)