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Filtri: Parola Chiave is ecosystem [Clear All Filters]
Inconsistency between process-based model and dose-response function in estimating biomass losses in Northern Hemisphere due to elevated O3,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 364, (2025)
Air pollution and climate change threats to plant ecosystems,
, Environmental Research, Volume 212, (2022)
First evidence of in vitro cytotoxic effects of marine microlitter on Merluccius merluccius and Mullus barbatus, two Mediterranean commercial fish species,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 813, (2022)
Strategic roadmap to assess forest vulnerability under air pollution and climate change,
, Global Change Biology, Volume 28, Number 17, p.5062-5085, (2022)
Defining ecological regions in Italy based on a multivariate clustering approach: A first step towards a targeted vector borne disease surveillance,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 14, Number 7, (2019)
Leachates of micronized plastic toys provoke embryotoxic effects upon sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 247, p.706-715, (2019)
A network approach for moving from planning to implementation in climate change adaptation: Evidence from southern Mexico,
, Environmental Science and Policy, Volume 93, p.146-157, (2019)
Persistence of phylogeographic footprints helps to understand cryptic diversity detected in two marine amphipods widespread in the Mediterranean basin,
, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 132, p.53-66, (2019)
Bioerosive and bioprotective role of barnacles on rocky shores,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 619-620, p.83-92, (2018)
Modeling ozone uptake by urban and peri-urban forest: a case study in the Metropolitan City of Rome,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 25, Number 9, p.8190-8205, (2018)
Epidemiological analysis of ozone and nitrogen impacts on vegetation – Critical evaluation and recommendations,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 603-604, p.785-792, (2017)
Pervasive plastisphere: First record of plastics in egagropiles (Posidonia spheroids),
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 229, p.1032-1036, (2017)
Plastisphere in action: evidence for an interaction between expanded polystyrene and dunal plants,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 24, Number 12, p.11856-11859, (2017)
A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 95, Number 1, p.28-39, (2015)
Comparability of river quality assessment using macrophytes: A multi-step procedure to overcome biogeographical differences,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.757-767, (2014)
Least Disturbed Condition for European Mediterranean rivers,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.745-756, (2014)
The "one-out, all-out" principle entails the risk of imposing unnecessary restoration costs: A study case in two Mediterranean coastal lakes,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 80, Number 1-2, p.30-40, (2014)
Trophic ecology of Lampanyctus crocodilus on north-west Mediterranean Sea slopes in relation to reproductive cycle and environmental variables,
, Journal of Fish Biology, Volume 84, Number 6, p.1654-1688, (2014)
Nitrogen budget in a lowland coastal area within the Po River Basin (Northern Italy): Multiple evidences of equilibrium between sources and internal sinks,
, Environmental Management, Volume 52, Number 3, p.567-580, (2013)
Urban ecosystem services: Tree diversity and stability of tropospheric ozone removal,
, Ecological Applications, Volume 22, Number 1, p.349-360, (2012)
Sewage pollution impact on Mediterranean rocky-reef fish assemblages,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 69, Number 5, p.390-397, (2010)
Air pollution impact assessment on agroecosystem and human health characterisation in the area surrounding the industrial settlement of Milazzo (Italy): A multidisciplinary approach,
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 140, Number 1-3, p.191-209, (2008)
Lakeside cemeteries in the Sahara: 5000 years of holocene population and environmental change,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 3, Number 8, (2008)
Natural history studies for the preliminary evaluation of Larinus filiformis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) as a prospective biological control agent of yellow starthistle,
, Environmental Entomology, Volume 37, Number 5, p.1185-1199, (2008)
Microwave-assisted digestion method for the determination of heavy metals in sediments and voltammetry analysis,
, Annali di Chimica, Volume 93, Number 7-8, p.707-711, (2003)