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Filtri: Parola Chiave is solar radiation [Clear All Filters]
Assessing the Potential Energy Savings in Residential Buildings by City-Scale Application of Cool Materials in a Temperate Oceanic Metropolis,
, Environmental Science and Engineering, p.2885 – 2893, (2023)
On the mitigation potential of higher urban albedo in a temperate oceanic metropolis,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 81, (2022)
On the association between high outdoor thermo-hygrometric comfort index and severe ground-level ozone: A first investigation,
, Environmental Research, Volume 195, (2021)
Classifying aerosol particles through the combination of optical and physical-chemical properties: Results from a wintertime campaign in Rome (Italy),
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 235, (2020)
Varying snow and vegetation signatures of surface albedo feedback on the Northern Hemisphere land warming,
, Environmental Research Letters, 12/2020, Volume 16, Number 3, (2020)
High albedo materials to counteract heat waves in cities: An assessment of meteorology, buildings energy needs and pedestrian thermal comfort,
, Building and Environment, Volume 163, (2019)
Feedback mechanisms between snow and atmospheric mercury: Results and observations from field campaigns on the Antarctic plateau,
, Chemosphere, Volume 197, p.306-317, (2018)
A long-term time series of global and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation in the Mediterranean: Interannual variability and cloud effects,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018///, Volume 18, Issue 11, Number 11, p.7985-8000, (2018)
Five-year volume growth of European beech does not respond to ozone pollution in Italy,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 25, Number 9, p.1-7, (2017)
Relationships linking primary production, sea ice melting, and biogenic aerosol in the Arctic,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 136, p.1-15, (2016)
Short-term predictability of photovoltaic production over Italy,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 80, p.197-204, (2015)
Assessing complementarity of wind and solar resources for energy production in Italy. A Monte Carlo approach,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 63, p.576-586, (2014)
The HelioMont method for assessing solar irradiance over complex terrain: Validation and improvements,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 152, p.603-613, (2014)
Thermal characterization of a cavity receiver for hydrogen production by thermochemical cycles operating at moderate temperatures,
, Solar Energy, Volume 92, p.256-268, (2013)
Validation of OMI satellite erythemal daily dose retrievals using ground-based measurements from fourteen stations,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 128, p.1-10, (2013)
Accounting for the solar radiation influence on downward longwave irradiance measurements by pyrgeometers,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 29, Number 11, p.1629-1643, (2012)
Experimental determination of cloud influence on the spectral UV irradiance and implications for biological effects,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Number 13, p.1739-1746, (2011)
First national intercomparison of solar ultraviolet radiometers in Italy,
, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Volume 4, Number 8, p.1689-1703, (2011)
Ground-based observations of solar radiation at three Italian sites, during the eclipse of 29 March, 2006: Signs of the environment impact on incoming global irradiance,
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 96, Number 1, p.131-140, (2010)
Large atmospheric shortwave radiative forcing by Mediterranean aerosols derived from simultaneous ground-based and spaceborne observations and dependence on the aerosol type and single scattering albedo,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 115, Number 10, (2010)
Sensitivity of shortwave radiative fluxes to the vertical distribution of aerosol single scattering albedo in the presence of a desert dust layer,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 44, Number 23, p.2787-2791, (2010)
Measurements of Mediterranean aerosol radiative forcing and influence of the single scattering albedo,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 114, Number 6, p.D06211, (2009)
Determination of ultraviolet cosine-corrected irradiances and aerosol optical thickness by combined measurements with a Brewer spectrophotometer and a multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer,
, Applied Optics, Volume 47, Number 33, p.6142-6150, (2008)
Integrated seismic characterization and reservoir modelling in a structurally complex carbonate field, libyan offshore,
, 70th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2008: Leveraging Technology. Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008, Volume 4, Rome, p.2373-2377, (2008)
Modelling dissolved oxygen dynamics in coastal lagoons,
, Ecological Modelling, Volume 211, Number 3-4, p.468-480, (2008)