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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Phytoplankton [Clear All Filters]
Characterization of free L- and D-amino acids in size-segregated background aerosols over the Ross Sea, Antarctica,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 879, (2023)
Biogenic aerosol in central East Antarctic Plateau as a proxy for the ocean-atmosphere interaction in the Southern Ocean,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 810, (2021)
Improving the retrieval of carbon-based phytoplankton biomass from satellite ocean colour observations,
, Remote Sensing, Volume 12, Number 21, p.1-13, (2020)
Particulate methanesulfonic acid over the central Mediterranean Sea: Source region identification and relationship with phytoplankton activity,
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 237, (2020)
Biogenic aerosol in the Arctic from eight years of MSA data from Ny Ålesund (Svalbard Islands) and Thule (Greenland),
, Atmosphere, Volume 10, Number 7, (2019)
Global Distribution of Non-algal Particles From Ocean Color Data and Implications for Phytoplankton Biomass Detection,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45, Number 15, p.7672-7682, (2018)
Preliminary study on the atmospheric contribution of metals to surface sea water at Lampedusa (Central Mediterranean Sea).,
, 2018///, Volume 20, p.14383 - 14383, (2018)
Relationships linking primary production, sea ice melting, and biogenic aerosol in the Arctic,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 136, p.1-15, (2016)
Least Disturbed Condition for European Mediterranean rivers,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.745-756, (2014)
Water masses and nutrient distribution in the Gulf of Syrte and between Sicily and Libya,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 121-122, p.36-46, (2013)
Assemblage structure and trophic ecology of deep-sea demersal cephalopods in the Balearic basin (NW Mediterranean),
, Marine and Freshwater Research, Volume 63, Number 3, p.264-274, (2012)
Remote and local monitoring of dissolved and suspended fluorescent organic matter off the svalbard,
, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010///, Volume 12, p.1604 - 1618, (2010)
Primary submicron marine aerosol dominated by insoluble organic colloids and aggregates,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 35, Number 17, (2008)
Year-to-year variability of the phytoplankton bloom in the southern Adriatic Sea (1998-2000): Sea-viewing Wide field-of-view sensor observations and modeling study,
, Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, Volume 108, Number 9, p.PBE 23-1 - 23-23, (2003)