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Found 221 results
Filtri: Parola Chiave is Mediterranean Sea  [Clear All Filters]
Comparison of online and offline methods for measuring fine secondary inorganic ions and carbonaceous aerosols in the central mediterranean area, Malaguti, Antonella, Mircea Mihaela, La Torretta Teresa M. G., Telloli C., Petralia Ettore, Stracquadanio Milena, and Berico M. , Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Volume 15, Number 7, p.2641-2653, (2015)
Effects of increased mortality on gorgonian corals (Cnidaria, Octocorallia): different demographic features may lead affected populations to unexpected recovery and new equilibrium points, Santangelo, G., Cupido R., Cocito Silvia, Bramanti L., Priori C., Erra F., and Iannelli M. , HYDROBIOLOGIA, Volume 759, Number 1, p.171-187, (2015)
Effects of thermal stress on the growth of an intertidal population of Ellisolandia elongata (Rhodophyta) from N-W Mediterranean Sea, Nannini, M., De Marchi L., Lombardi Chiara, and Ragazzola F. , Marine Environmental Research, DEC, Volume 112, Number B, SI, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND, p.11-19, (2015)
Phylogeography of Ophryotrocha labronica (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae) along the Italian coasts, Cossu, P., Maltagliati F., Pannacciulli Federica, Simonini R., Massamba-N'Siala G., Casu M., Lardicci C., Prevedelli D., and Castelli A. , Marine Ecology, Volume 36, Number 4, p.1088-1097, (2015)
Pulsed signal properties of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the central Mediterranean Sea, Buscaino, G., Buffa G., Filiciotto F., Maccarrone V., Di Stefano V., Ceraulo M., Mazzola S., and Alonge G. , Marine Mammal Science, Volume 31, Number 3, p.891-901, (2015)
Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive analysis, Antonioli, F., V. Presti Lo, Rovere A., Ferranti L., Anzidei M., Furlani S., Mastronuzzi G., Orrù P.E., Scicchitano G., Sannino Gianmaria, et al. , Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 119, p.66-84, (2015)
Using SeaDataNet management system to preserve the XBT data-set of the Mediterranean Sea, Pecci, Leda, Ciuffardi Tiziana, Reseghetti Franco, Picco P., Fichaut M., and Schaap D. , MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World, (2015)
Wave climate analysis for the design of wave energy harvesters in the Mediterranean Sea, Arena, F., Laface V., Malara G., Romolo A., Viviano A., Fiamma V., Sannino Gianmaria, and Carillo Adriana , Renewable Energy, Volume 77, p.125-141, (2015)
Application of a toxicity test battery integrated index for a first screening of the ecotoxicological threat posed by ports and harbors in the southern Adriatic Sea (Italy), Manzo, Sonia, Schiavo S., Aleksi P., and Tabaku A. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 186, Number 11, p.7127-7139, (2014)
Evolution and fluxes of 137Cs in the black sea/turkish straits system/north aegean sea, Delfanti, Roberta, Özsoy E., Kaberi H., Schirone Antonio, Salvi S., Conte Fabio, Tsabaris C., and Papucci C. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 135, p.117-123, (2014)
Exchange Flow through the Strait of Gibraltar as Simulated by a σ-Coordinate Hydrostatic Model and a z-Coordinate Nonhydrostatic Model, Sannino, Gianmaria, Garrido J.C.S., Liberti L., and Pratt L. , The Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns, Volume 9781118847343, p.25-50, (2014)
Fine-scale ecological and economic assessment of climate change on olive in the Mediterranean Basin reveals winners and losers, Ponti, Luigi, Gutierrez Andrew Paul, Ruti Paolo Michele, and Dell'Aquila Alessandro , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Volume 111, Number 15, p.5598-5603, (2014)
How much do tides affect the circulation of the Mediterranean Sea? From local processes in the Strait of Gibraltar to basin-scale effects, Naranjo, C., Garcia-Lafuente J., Sannino Gianmaria, and Sanchez-Garrido J.C. , Progress in Oceanography, Volume 127, p.108-116, (2014)
Long-term trend in substratum occupation by a clonal, carbonate bryozoan in a temperate rocky reef in times of thermal anomalies, Cocito, Silvia, and Sgorbini S. , MARINE BIOLOGY, Volume 161, Number 1, p.17-27, (2014)
The "one-out, all-out" principle entails the risk of imposing unnecessary restoration costs: A study case in two Mediterranean coastal lakes, Prato, Susanna, La Valle P., De Luca E., Lattanzi L., Migliore Giada, Morgana Josè Giancarlo, Munari C., Nicoletti L., Izzo G., and Mistri M. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 80, Number 1-2, p.30-40, (2014)
Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: A review of unresolved issues and directions for future research, Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Artale V., Borzelli-Eusebi G.L., Brenner S., Crise A., Gačić M., Kress N., Marullo S., M. d'Alcalà Ribera, Sofianos S., et al. , Ocean Science, Volume 10, Number 3, p.281-322, (2014)
The role of food availability in regulating the feeding dynamics and reproductive cycles of bathyal benthopelagic fish in the northwest mediterranean slope, Papiol, V., Cartes J.E., and Fanelli E. , Limnology and Oceanography, Volume 59, Number 5, p.1779-1794, (2014)
Settlement pattern of Posidonia oceanica epibionts along a gradient of ocean acidification: an approach with mimics, Donnarumma, L., Lombardi Chiara, Cocito Silvia, and Gambi M. C. , MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE, Volume 15, Number 3, AGHIOS KOSMAS, HELLINIKON, GR-16-604, GREECE, p.498-509, (2014)
Spatial variability in the trophic ecology and biology of the deep-sea shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea in the Mediterranean Sea, Cartes, J.E., Fanelli E., Kapiris K., Bayhan Y.K., Ligas A., López-Pérez C., Murenu M., Papiol V., Rumolo P., and Scarcella G. , Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 87, p.1-13, (2014)
Temporal variations of zooplankton biomass in the Ligurian Sea inferred from long time series of ADCP data, Bozzano, R., Fanelli E., Pensieri S., Picco P., and Schiano M.E. , Ocean Science, Volume 10, Number 1, p.93-105, (2014)
Trophic ecology of Lampanyctus crocodilus on north-west Mediterranean Sea slopes in relation to reproductive cycle and environmental variables, Fanelli, E., Papiol V., Cartes J.E., and Rodriguez-Romeu O. , Journal of Fish Biology, Volume 84, Number 6, p.1654-1688, (2014)