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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Modelli, Osservazioni e Scenari per il Cambiamento Climatico e la Qualità dell'Aria

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Modelli, Osservazioni e Scenari per il Cambiamento Climatico e la Qualità dell'Aria attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Presentazione a Congresso 14 7 12 5 11 8 4 12 1 4 78
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 56 76 55 56 61 64 62 44 49 47 3 573
Monografia 6 3 1 3 13
Atti di Congresso 2 3 2 2 4 4 5 3 25
Miscellanea 1 2 2 1 1 7
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 2 1 1 2 1 7
Capitolo di Monografia 1 1 3 2 7
Totale 79 88 77 63 75 75 72 66 58 54 3 710
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Bertini, I., De Felice M., Moretti F., & Pizzuti S. (2010).  Start-up optimisation of a combined cycle power plant with multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6025 LNCS, 151-160.
Pierdicca, N., Rocca F., Rommen B., Basili P., Bonafoni S., Cimini D., et al. (2009).  Atmospheric water vapor effects on spaceborne interferometric SAR imaging: Comparison with ground-based measurements and meteorological model simulations at different scales. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 5, V320–V323.
Struthers, H., Bodeker G.E., Austin J., Bekki S., Cionni I., Dameris M., et al. (2009).  The simulation of the Antarctic ozone hole by chemistry-climate models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9, 6363-6376.
Hassler, B., Bodeker G.E., Cionni I., & Dameris M. (2009).  A vertically resolved, monthly mean, ozone database from 1979 to 2100 for constraining global climate model simulations. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 30, 4009-4018.
Bergamaschi, P., Frankenberg C., Meirink J.F., Krol M., Villani M G., Houweling S., et al. (2009).  Inverse modeling of global and regional CH4 emissions using SCIAMACHY satellite retrievals. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 114(D22), 
Antonini, G., Coletti G., Serrani L., Tronci C., Cristofaro M., & Smith L. (2009).  Using molecular genetics to identify immature specimens of the weevil Ceratapion basicorne (Coleoptera: Apionidae). Biological Control. 51, 152-157.
Rinaldis, D., Clemente P., Caponero M., & Buffarini G. (2009).  New features in instrumentation of structures. Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
Buffarini, G., Clemente P., & Rinaldis D. (2009).  Experimental dynamic analysis of cultural heritage buildings. IOMAC 2009 - 3rd International Operational Modal Analysis Conference. 459-466.
Catoni, F., Cannata R., & Zampetti P. (2009).  "Geometrical" determination of the constants of motion in general relativity. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B. 124, 975-985.
D'Elia, I., Bencardino M., Ciancarella L., Contaldi M., & Vialetto G. (2009).  Technical and Non-Technical Measures for air pollution emission reduction: The integrated assessment of the regional Air Quality Management Plans through the Italian national model. Atmospheric Environment. 43, 6182-6189.
Pignatelli, T., Bencardino M., Ciancarella L., D'Elia I., Racalbuto S., Vialetto G., et al. (2009).  Scenarios downscaling: Qualitative comparison between RAINS-Europe and RAINS-Italy. 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Proceedings. 2321-2327.
Pignatelli, T., Bencardino M., Contaldi M., Gracceva F., & Vialetto G. (2009).  Synergies between energy efficiency measures and air pollution in Italy. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 123, 431-438.
Rinaldi, M., Facchini M.C., Decesari S., Carbone C., Finessi E., Mircea M., et al. (2009).  On the representativeness of coastal aerosol studies to open ocean studies: Mace Head-a case study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9, 9635-9646.
Pedlosky, J., Iacono R., Napolitano E., & Helfrich K. (2009).  The skirted island: The effect of topography on the flow around planetary scale islands. Journal of Marine Research. 67, 435-478.
Mona, L., Pappalardo G., Amodeo A., D'Amico G., Madonna F., Boselli A., et al. (2009).  One year of CNR-IMAA multi-wavelength Raman lidar measurements in coincidence with CALIPSO overpasses: Level 1 products comparison. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9, 7213-7228.
Madonna, F., Russo F., Ware R., & Pappalardo G. (2009).  Mid-tropospheric supercooled liquid water observation consistent with nucleation induced by a mountain lee wave. Geophysical Research Letters. 36,
Tinarelli, G., Piersanti A., Radice P., Clemente M., & De Maria R. (2009).  Microscale modelling simulations for the site characterization of air quality stations in an urban environment. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 137, 294-299.
Fioriti, V., Ruzzante S., Castorini E., Di Pietro A., & Tofani A. (2009).  Modelling critical infrastructures in presence of lack of data with simulated annealing - Like algorithms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 5775 LNCS, 81-88.
Fioriti, V., Ruzzante S., Castorini E., Marchei E., & Rosato V. (2009).  Stability of a distributed generation network using the kuramoto models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 5508 LNCS, 14-23.
Mantecca, P., Sancini G., Moschini E., Farina F., Gualtieri M., Rohr A., et al. (2009).  Lung toxicity induced by intratracheal instillation of size-fractionated tire particles. Toxicology Letters. 189, 206-214.
Gualtieri, M., Mantecca P., Corvaja V., Longhin E., Perrone M.G., Bolzacchini E., et al. (2009).  Winter fine particulate matter from Milan induces morphological and functional alterations in human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549). Toxicology Letters. 188, 52-62.
Zerbi, G., Cetta F., Bottani C., Ferrugiari A., Tommasini M., Mantecca P., et al. (2009).  Host-particle interactions in the pathogenesis of health injury from air pollution: Use of Raman Scattering Spectroscopy in the analysis of the mutual relationships between PM and cell membranes. GIMT - Giornale Italiano delle Malattie del Torace. 63, 431-437.
Vitolo, R., Ruti P.M., Dell'Aquila A., Felici M., Lucarini V., & Speranza A. (2009).  Accessing extremes of mid-latitudinal wave activity: Methodology and application. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 61 A, 35-49.
Kucharski, F., Bracco A., Yoo J.H., Tompkins A.M., Feudale L., Ruti P., et al. (2009).  A Gill-Matsuno-type mechanism explains the tropical Atlantic influence on African and Indian monsoon rainfall. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 135, 569-579.
Segoni, S., Leoni L., Benedetti A.I., Catani F., Righini G., Falorni G., et al. (2009).  Towards a definition of a real-time forecasting network for rainfall induced shallow landslides. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science. 9, 2119-2133.
Casagli, N., Fanti R., & Righini G. (2009).  Integration of VHR satellite images with field data for the analysis of debris sheet instability in the Machu Picchu area. Landslides - Disaster Risk Reduction. 275-281.
Di Biagio, C., Di Sarra A., & Meloni D. (2009).  Mediterranean aerosol radiative forcing and influence of the single scattering albedo. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 73, A290.
Di Girolamo, P., Summa D., Bhawar R., Di Iorio T., Vaughan G., Norton E., et al. (2009).  Lidar and radar measurements of the melting layer in the frame of the convective and orographically-induced precipitation study. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1100, 231-234.
Fiorucci, I., Muscari G., Bianchi C., Girolamo P.D., Esposito F., Grieco G., et al. (2009).  An intercomparison of precipitable water vapor measurements obtained during the ecowar field campaign. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1100, 135-138.
Onori, L., Amodio M., Antonietti D., Avio L., Bedini S., Bianco P.M., et al. (2009).  Il ripristino degli ecosistemi marino-costieri e la difesa delle coste sabbiose nelle Aree protette. Rome: ISPRA Rapporti ISPRA 100/09.
Cucchiella, R., Falini G., Ferri M., Stracquadanio M., & Trombini C. (2009).  Mathematical form factor studies on the effect of water on airborne particles morphology using a bi-dimensional TEM image processing. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 11, 181-186.
Oddo, P., Adani M., Pinardi N., Fratianni C., Tonani M., & Pettenuzzo D. (2009).  A nested Atlantic-Mediterranean Sea general circulation model for operational forecasting. Ocean Science. 5, 461-473.
Dobricic, S., Pinardi N., Tonani M., Adani M., Bonazzi A., Nilsson J., et al. (2009).  Oceanographic operational data assimilation system in the Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings, 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, ISRSE 2009. 765-767.
Boselli, A., Armenante M., D'Avino L., D'Isidoro M., Pisani G., Spinelli N., et al. (2009).  Atmospheric aerosol characterization over naples during 2000-2003 EARLINET project: Planetary boundary-layer evolution and layering. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 132, 151-165.
Vespe, F., Perona G., De Cosmo V., Petitta M., Materassi M., Tartaglione N., et al. (2009).  ROSA - The Italian radio occultation mission onboard the Indian OCEANSAT-2 Satellite. New Horizons in Occultation Research: Studies in Atmosphere and Climate. 263-273.
Luzi, L., Sabetta F., Mele F., Hailemikael S., Bindi D., Pacor F., et al. (2009).  The italian strong motion database: Design, data input and web distribution. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata. 50, 179-192.
Sannino, G., Carillo A., & Pratt L. (2009).  Hydraulic criticality of the exchange flow through the strait of Gibraltar. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 39, 2779-2799.
Sannino, G., Herrmann M., Carillo A., Rupolo V., Ruggiero V., Artale V., et al. (2009).  An eddy-permitting model of the Mediterranean Sea with a two-way grid refinement at the Strait of Gibraltar. Ocean Modelling. 30, 56-72.
Sánchez-Román, A., Sannino G., Garcia-Lafuente J., Carillo A., & Criado-Aldeanueva F. (2009).  Transport estimates at the western section of the Strait of Gibraltar: A combined experimental and numerical modeling study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 114,
Di Iorio, T., Di Sarra A., Sferlazzo D M., Cacciani M., Meloni D., Monteleone F., et al. (2009).  Seasonal evolution of the tropospheric aerosol vertical profile in the central Mediterranean and role of desert dust. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 114,
Di Biagio, C., Di Sarra A., Meloni D., Monteleone F., Piacentino S., & Sferlazzo D M. (2009).  Measurements of Mediterranean aerosol radiative forcing and influence of the single scattering albedo. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 114, D06211.
Arola, A., Kazadzis S., Kujanpää J., Lindfors A., Bais A., Webb A., et al. (2009).  Ozone Monitoring Instrument satellite UV irradiance product correction using a global aerosol climatology. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 7462,
Arola, A., Kazadzis S., Lindfors A., Krotkov N., Kujanpää J., Tamminen J., et al. (2009).  A new approach to correct for absorbing aerosols in OMI UV. Geophysical Research Letters. 36,
Artuso, F., Chamard P., Piacentino S., Sferlazzo D M., De Silvestri L., Di Sarra A., et al. (2009).  Influence of transport and trends in atmospheric CO2 at Lampedusa. Atmospheric Environment. 43, 3044-3051.
Menegoni, P., Trotta C., Iannetta M., Quaranta G., Salvia R., Di Gennaro A., et al. (2009).  Sistema Ecologico Funzionale Territoriale, parte seconda.
Paganini, M., Pace G., Castracane P., Del Barrio G., Van Delden H., Iannetta M., et al. (2009).  Monitoring desertification using EO technologies: Experience of the ESA DUE DesertWatch project. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2009 IEEE International,IGARSS 2009. 3, III-302 -III-305.
Penza, M., Aversa P., Cassano G., Suriano D., Wlodarski W., Benetti M., et al. (2008).  Thin-film bulk-acoustic-resonator gas sensor functionalized with a nanocomposite Langmuir-Blodgett layer of carbon nanotubes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 55, 1237-1243.
Becchetti, L., & Michetti M. (2008).  When Consumption Generate Social Capital: Creating Room for Manoeuvre for Pro-Poor Policies. African Journal of Business & Management. 4, 2903–2914.
Michetti, M., Becchetti L., & Castriota S. (2008).  Child labour and consumer responsibility: an impact study.
Stanghellini, PL., Marchello MP., & Michetti M. (2008).  Climate Change, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Financial Institutions. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ethics and Environmental Policies, Padova, Italy. 23–25.