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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Modelli, Osservazioni e Scenari per il Cambiamento Climatico e la Qualità dell'Aria

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Modelli, Osservazioni e Scenari per il Cambiamento Climatico e la Qualità dell'Aria attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 54 75 55 51 57 59 53 39 36 26 505
Presentazione a Congresso 14 7 12 4 10 7 4 11 1 2 72
Miscellanea 1 2 2 1 6
Monografia 6 3 1 3 13
Atti di Congresso 2 3 2 2 4 4 5 3 25
Capitolo di Monografia 1 1 2 2 6
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 2 1 1 2 1 7
Totale 77 87 77 57 69 69 63 59 45 31 634
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Basu, S., Lan X., Dlugokencky E., Michel S., Schwietzke S., Miller J. B., et al. (2022).  Estimating emissions of methane consistent with atmospheric measurements of methane and δ13C of methane. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22, 15351 – 15377.
Pollino, M., La Porta L., Crosara A., De Rosa L., Di Iorio T., Iaccarino A., et al. (2022).  The integrated Marine Hazard webGIS platform for management of open and coastal ocean in Sicily. 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2022 - Proceedings. 180-184.
D'Isidoro, M., D'Elia I., Vitali L., Cappelletti A., Piersanti A., Finardi S., et al. (2022).  Lessons learnt for air pollution mitigation policies from the COVID-19 pandemic: The Italian perspective.. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 13, 101620.
Leonelli, F.E., Bellacicco M., Pitarch J., Organelli E., B. Nardelli B., De Toma V., et al. (2022).  Ultra-Oligotrophic Waters Expansion in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Revealed by 21 Years of Satellite Observations. Geophysical Research Letters. 49,
Gualtieri, M., Berico M., Grollino M G., Cremona G., La Torretta T. M. G., Malaguti A., et al. (2022).  Emission Factors of CO2 and Airborne Pollutants and Toxicological Potency of Biofuels for Airplane Transport: A Preliminary Assessment. Toxics. 10,
Goodess, C.M., Troccoli A., Vasilakos N., Dorling S., Steele E., Amies J.D., et al. (2022).  The Value-Add of Tailored Seasonal Forecast Information for Industry Decision Making. Climate. 10,
Yang, C., Cagnazzo C., Artale V., Nardelli B.B., Buontempo C., Busatto J., et al. (2022).  Independent Quality Assessment of Essential Climate Variables. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 103, E2032-E2049.
Pisano, A., Ciani D., Marullo S., Santoleri R., & B. Nardelli B. (2022).  A new operational Mediterranean diurnal optimally interpolated sea surface temperature product within the Copernicus Marine Service. Earth System Science Data. 14, 4111-4128.
Dainelli, R., Calmanti S., Pasqui M., Rocchi L., Di Giuseppe E., Monotti C., et al. (2022).  Moving climate seasonal forecasts information from useful to usable for early within-season predictions of durum wheat yield. Climate Services. 28,
Oehri, J., Schaepman-Strub G., Kim J-S., Grysko R., Kropp H., Grünberg I., et al. (2022).  Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget. Nature Communications. 13(1), 
Buffarini, G., Clemente P., Giovinazzi S., Ormando C., & Scafati F. (2022).  Structural assessment of the pedestrian bridge accessing Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring.
Mallet, M., Nabat P., Di Sarra A., Solmon F., Gutiérrez C., Mailler S., et al. (2022).  Aerosol and Tropospheric Ozone Direct Radiative Impacts. (Dulac, F., Sauvage S., & Hamonou E., Ed.). 373 - 402.
de la Paz, D., de Andrés J. Manuel, Narros A., Silibello C., Finardi S., Fares S., et al. (2022).  Assessment of Air Quality and Meteorological Changes Induced by Future Vegetation in Madrid. Forests. 13, 690.
Tsyro, S., Aas W., Colette A., Andersson C., Bessagnet B., Ciarelli G., et al. (2022).  Eurodelta multi-model simulated and observed particulate matter trends in Europe in the period of 1990–2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22(11), 7207 - 7257.
Napolitano, E., Iacono R., Palma M., Sannino G., Carillo A., Lombardi E., et al. (2022).  MITO: A new operational model for the forecasting of the Mediterranean sea circulation. Frontiers in Energy Research. 10,
Becagli, S., Barbaro E., Bonamano S., Caiazzo L., Di Sarra A., Feltracco M., et al. (2022).  Factors controlling atmospheric DMS and its oxidation products (MSA and nssSO4 2-) in the aerosol at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22(14), 9245 - 9263.
Manzo, S., Parrella L., Schiavo S., Spaziani F., Chiavarini S., Tebano C., et al. (2022).  Gathering new knowledge from existing monitoring dataset of Campania marine coastal area (Southern Italy). Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Michetti, M., Adani M., Anav A., Benassi B., Dalmastri C., D'Elia I., et al. (2022).  From single to multivariable exposure models to translate climatic and air pollution effects into mortality risk. A customized application to the city of Rome, Italy. MethodsX. 9, 101717.
Costabile, F., Decesari S., Vecchi R., Lucarelli F., Curci G., Massabò D., et al. (2022).  On the Redox-Activity and Health-Effects of Atmospheric Primary and Secondary Aerosol: Phenomenology. Atmosphere. 13,
Adani, M., D'Isidoro M., Mircea M., Guarnieri G., Vitali L., D'Elia I., et al. (2022).  Evaluation of air quality forecasting system FORAIR-IT over Europe and Italy at high resolution for year 2017. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 13,
de Sabata, E., Napolitano E., Iacono R., Palma M., Sannino G., & Bordone A. (2022).  Marine monitoring by SCUBA divers reveals new aspects of the temperature variability inside the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 271,
Cionni, I., Lledó L., Torralba V., & Dell'Aquila A. (2022).  Seasonal predictions of energy-relevant climate variables through Euro-Atlantic Teleconnections. Climate Services. 26,
Döscher, R., Acosta M., Alessandri A., Anthoni P., Arsouze T., Bergman T., et al. (2022).  The EC-Earth3 Earth system model for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6. Geoscientific Model Development. 15, 2973-3020.
Giglione, G., Annibaldi A., Iaccarino A., Capancioni R., Borghini G., Ciabattoni F., et al. (2022).  An Integrated Web-Based GIS Platform for the Environmental Monitoring of Industrial Emissions: Preliminary Results of the Project. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 12,
Michetti, M., Gualtieri M., Anav A., Adani M., Benassi B., Dalmastri C., et al. (2022).  Climate change and air pollution: Translating their interplay into present and future mortality risk for Rome and Milan municipalities. Science of The Total Environment. 830, 154680.
De Marco, A., García-Gómez H., Collalti A., Khaniabadi Y.O., Feng Z., Proietti C., et al. (2022).  Ozone modelling and mapping for risk assessment: An overview of different approaches for human and ecosystems health. Environmental Research. 211,
Di Bernardino, A., Iannarelli A.M., Casadio S., Pisacane G., Mevi G., & Cacciani M. (2022).  Classification of synoptic and local-scale wind patterns using k-means clustering in a Tyrrhenian coastal area (Italy). Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 134,
Campanelli, M., Diémoz H., Siani A. Maria, Di Sarra A., Iannarelli A. Maria, Kudo R., et al. (2022).  Aerosol optical characteristics in the urban area of Rome, Italy, and their impact on the UV index. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 15(5), 1171 - 1183.
de Felice, G., Liberatore D., De Santis S., Gobbin F., Roselli I., Sangirardi M., et al. (2022).  Seismic behaviour of rubble masonry: Shake table test and numerical modelling. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.
Schneider, R., Masselot P., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Sera F., Blangiardo M., Forlani C., et al. (2022).  Differential impact of government lockdown policies on reducing air pollution levels and related mortality in Europe. Scientific Reports. 12, 726.
Sannino, G., Carillo A., Iacono R., Napolitano E., Palma M., Pisacane G., et al. (2022).  Modelling present and future climate in the Mediterranean Sea: a focus on sea-level change. Climate Dynamics. 59, 357 – 391.
Cataldo, A., La Pietra M., Zappelli L., Mencarelli D., Pierantoni L., & Bellucci S. (2022).  MacGyvered Multiproperty Materials Using Nanocarbon and Jam: A Spectroscopic, Electromagnetic and Rheological Investigation. Journal of Functional Biomaterials. 13,
Quaglia, F. Calì, Meloni D., Muscari G., Di Iorio T., Ciardini V., Pace G., et al. (2022).  On the Radiative Impact of Biomass-Burning Aerosols in the Arctic: The August 2017 Case Study. Remote Sensing. 14(2), 313.
Bracci, A., Baldini L., Roberto N., Adirosi E., Montopoli M., Scarchilli C., et al. (2022).  Quantitative precipitation estimation over antarctica using different ze-sr relationships based on snowfall classification combining ground observations. Remote Sensing. 14,
Anav, A., De Marco A., Collalti A., Emberson L., Feng Z., Lombardozzi D., et al. (2022).  Legislative and functional aspects of different metrics used for ozone risk assessment to forests. Environmental Pollution. 295,
Suriano, D. (2021).  A portable air quality monitoring unit and a modular, flexible tool for on-field evaluation and calibration of low-cost gas sensors. HardwareX. 9, e00198.
Calmanti, S., Soares M. Bruno, Dell'Aquila A., Ponti L., De Felice M., González-Reviriego N., et al. (2021).  Overcoming conflicting notions of climate forecasts reliability and skill in the agricultural sector: lessons from the MED-GOLD project. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
Palma, M., Catalano F., Cionni I., & Petitta M. (2021).  Determination of seasonal forecast skill in identifying extreme events of temperature wind speed and SPI. 9th SISC Annual Conference.
Palma, M., Catalano F., Cionni I., & Petitta M. (2021).  Determination of seasonal forecast skill in identifying extreme events of temperature, wind speed, and SPI. EGU General Assembly.
Catalano, F., Alessandri A., May W., & Reerink T. (2021).  Land-surface feedbacks on temperature and precipitation in CMIP6-LS3MIP projections. EGU General Assembly.
Dell'Aquila, A., Calmanti S., Ponti L., Soares M. Bruno, Pasqui M., Sanderson M., et al. (2021).  MED-GOLD Living Lab 2020: the story of an online training event. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
Zampieri, M., Toreti A., Ceglar A., De Palma P., Chatzopoulos T., & Michetti M. (2021).  Analysing the resilience of agricultural production systems with ResiPy, the Python production resilience estimation package. SoftwareX. 15, 100738.
Auci, S., Barbieri N., Coromaldi M., & Michetti M. (2021).  Climate variability, innovation and firm performance: evidence from the European agricultural sector. European Review of Agricultural Economics. 48, 1074–1108.
Nardin, R., Severi M., Amore A., Becagli S., Burgay F., Caiazzo L., et al. (2021).  Dating of the GV7 East Antarctic ice core by high-resolution chemical records and focus on the accumulation rate variability in the last millennium. Climate of the Past. 17, 2073-2089.
Cairns, W.R., Turetta C., Maffezzoli N., Magand O., Araujo B.F., Angot H., et al. (2021).  Mercury in precipitated and surface snow at Dome C and a first estimate of mercury depositional fluxes during the Austral summer on the high Antarctic plateau. Atmospheric Environment. 262,
Iacono, R. (2021).  Bounding the Error Function. Computing in Science & Engineering. 23(4), 65 - 68.
Iacono, R., Napolitano E., Palma M., & Sannino G. (2021).  The Tyrrhenian Sea Circulation: A Review of Recent Work. Sustainability. 13(11), 6371.
Mariano, C., Marino M., Pisacane G., & Sannino G. (2021).  Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts: Innovation and Improvement of the Local Urban Plan for a Climate-Proof Adaptation Strategy. Sustainability. 13(3), 1565.
D'Isidoro, M., Vitali L., Pasanisi F., Righini G., Mahahabisa M., Letuma M., et al. (2021).  Renewable Energy Potential Maps for LESOTHO. 6th AIEE Energy Symposium Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security.
Fountoulakis, I., Diémoz H., Siani A. Maria, Di Sarra A., Meloni D., & Sferlazzo D M. (2021).  Variability and trends in surface solar spectral ultraviolet irradiance in Italy: on the influence of geopotential height and lower-stratospheric ozone. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21(24), 18689 - 18705.