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The Development of Soil Science in Lazio

TitoloThe Development of Soil Science in Lazio
Tipo di pubblicazioneMonografia
Anno di Pubblicazione2024
AutoriPaolanti, M., Angelone Massimo, Benedetti A., Ferdinando S.D., Grego S., Lorenzoni P., Raglione M., and Casoni L.V.
Series TitleSoil Science in Italy: 1861 to 2024
Number of Pages277-293
EditoreSpringer International Publishing

This chapter deals with the history of Soil Science in Lazio, a Region that still enjoys an uncommon centrality of action, thanks to the presence on its territory of Government Institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (MISAF), the Ministry of the Environment, the Territory and the Protection of the Sea (MATTM), the headquarters of FAO, prestigious Universities and Research Institutions, important Organizations and trade Associations, which over time have created a network of activities related to soil science and agriculture at national and international level. For all the above listed institutions the main research activities in soil science are reported, as well as those activities developed in sites of cultural value, such as the Estate of the Presidency of the Republic in Castelporziano (Rome) in Tuscia University experimental field and in the CREA experimental farms. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

Citation KeyPaolanti2024277