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Debris and mud flows runout assessment: a comparison among empirical geometric equations in the Giampilieri and Briga basins (east Sicily, Italy) affected by the event of October 1, 2009

TitoloDebris and mud flows runout assessment: a comparison among empirical geometric equations in the Giampilieri and Briga basins (east Sicily, Italy) affected by the event of October 1, 2009
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2023
AutoriFalconi, Luca, Moretti Lorenzo, Puglisi Claudio, and Righini Gaia
RivistaNatural Hazards
Data di pubblicazione04/2023

Empirical/geometric methods rely on simple geometrical connections between some landslide parameters and the runout distance reached by the displaced material. Despite the extreme simplification of the dynamic of this landslide typology, those methods can provide useful information about the propagation of this shallow and fast landslide typology, joining the reliability of the results with easiness of use. The objective of this work is to compare the efficacy of different geometric relationships for the identification of the runout distances in a debris- and mud-flows-prone test area located in Sicily, southern Italy, where
several events were analyzed, and a consistent set of data was collected and processed. Notwithstanding some uncertainties in the methodological approach and not negligible scattering between expected and observed runout distances, the use of such geometric approaches, together with the evaluation of kinematic parameters such as velocity and kinetic energy, can significantly boost the implementation of site-specific analyses for a more detailed definition of landslides susceptibility at a local scale.


cited By 0

Titolo breveNat Hazards
Citation Key11442