- Persone
- Mihaela Mircea
Mihaela Mircea
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My research interests focus on modelling the composition of the atmosphere since is essential for air pollution and climate change predictions. Consequently, I am attracted to develop and test new approaches to describe atmospheric chemical and physical processes regarding aerosol formation and evolution, its interactions with gases and clouds/precipitation, in collaboration with experimental research community.
Coupled with this, modelling the natural emissions such as dust from desert areas and biogenic organic volatile compounds (BVOC) from vegetation together with modelling emissions from forest fires are tasks that I am committed to investigate.
Much of my attention is also devoted to activities in support of the environmental policy at national and European levels. I participate in inter-comparison modelling exercises and air quality studies regarding pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.
Improving the understanding and the quantification of the effects of air chemistry on vegetation/ecosystems and human health in collaboration with the environmental scientists is a line I pursue either.
M.S., Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest (recognised by the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Bologna)
Ph.D., Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest (recognised by the Italian Minister of Instruction, University and Research)