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Paolo Grigioni

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Found 37 results
Filters: Author is P. Grigioni
Mount Melbourne quadrangle, Victoria Land, Antarctica 1: 250,000 (Antarctic geomorphological and glaciological map series), Baroni, C., Biasini A., Bondesan A., Denton G., Frezzotti M, Grigioni P., Meneghel M., Orombelli G., Salvatore M., and A. Vedova Della , A Contribution to the Global Environment Monitoring Service (GEMS) and the International Hydrological Programme, Volume 8, p.38-40, (2005)
Desert aerosol in the Mediterranean, Di Sarra, Alcide, Cacciani M., DeLuisi J., De Silvestri Lorenzo, Di Iorio Tatiana, Fiocco G., and Grigioni P. , Mediterranean Climate: Variability and Trends, p.309-315, (2003)