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Climate services to support policies

Climate service is the process of providing information to help government, organisation or stakeholders with the managing of climate risks and opportunities. Prominent users sectors are agriculture, water management, health, planning, energy, marine, construction, tourism, disaster management and insurance - all of which are significantly affected by the climate. This laboratory contributes to the development of Climate Services in different socio-economic and productive sectors, with the aim of improving their competitiveness, flexibility and efficiency by reducing the risks associated with climate change and by reducing the costs associated both to climatic fluctuations and to their carbon footprint. The laboratory has contributed to the case studies on the development of climate services in the CLIM-RUN (, IMPACT2C (, SPECS ( and EUPORIAS (, financed in context EU-FP7. Moreover, ENEA-SSPT is partner of one of the first Copernicus Climate Change Service projects on Climate information for the energy sector, the ECEM project.

Impatti su comunità e persone e adattamento

Nell’ambito delle attività del PNRR e del partenariato esteso RETURN, il laboratorio sviluppa metodi e strategie per l’identificazione di vulnerabilità ed esposizione al cambiamento climatico di persone e comunità, e identifica fattori di ostruzione e facilitazione dell’implementazione e adozione di strategie di adattamento.

Il laboratorio produce analisi comportamentali e di percezione del rischio, oltre che dell’accettabilità sociale di politiche ed eco-innovazioni.

Regional sea level change

In the framework of many national and international projects (Vector, RITMARE, Interreg, Cost.) the laboratory has conducted several field campaigns to assess the sea level change (past, present, and future) for the Mediterranean coasts. For some Italian coastal areas at risk to be flooded in 2100 the laboratory has produced high-definition maps.

Terrestrial Ecosystems

During the project  FP7-EUPORIAS, the laboratory contributed, in collaboration with the UN-WFP, to the development of an advanced platform for the  early warning of drought in vulnerable areas. The system uses seasonal scale climate forecasts to predict the likely effects of rainfall regimes on rural populations and to predict the possible needs in terms of humanitarian aid.

Extreme events

In the framework of CLIM-RUN EU project, the laboratory provided climate information on the projected changes in future climate scenarios in the occurrence of intense events (strong precipitation and storm surges) in the area of Venice Lagoon, as requested by local administrations involved in the project.