Produzione Scientifica
Found 7572 results
A multidisciplinary approach to earthquake research: Implementation of a Geochemical Geographic Information System for the Gargano Site, Southern Italy,
, Natural Hazards, Volume 20, Number 2-3, p.255-278, (1999)
New activities performed in Italy on innovative anti-seismic techniques for civil and industrial structures,
, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 387, p.311-326, (1999)
Notes on the ephemeral lake of Le Piane, near Isernia (Molise, Central Italy) [Note sul lago effimero dl le piane diisern1a (Mouse, Italia Centrale)],
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 12, Number 1, p.5-9, (1999)
Nuclear chromatin variations in human spermatozoa undergoing swim-up and cryopreservation evaluated by the flow cytometric sperm chromatin structure assay,
, Molecular Human Reproduction, Volume 5, Number 1, p.29-37, (1999)
Optical and electrochemical properties of cerium-zirconium mixed oxide thin films deposited by sol-gel and r.f. sputtering,
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 44, Number 18, p.3149-3156, (1999)
Optical and mechanical properties of diamond like carbon produced by dual ion beam sputtering technique,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3738, Berlin, Ger, p.58-65, (1999)
Optical characterization of cerium-vanadium mixed oxide films for electrochromic devices,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3738, Berlin, Ger, p.97-101, (1999)
Optically passive cerium containing counter-electrodes for electrochromic devices,
, Ionics, Volume 5, Number 1-2, p.80-85, (1999)
Oxide films made by radio frequency sputtering of solid and powder targets: A comparison,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3738, Berlin, Ger, p.469-473, (1999)
Oxygen dynamics in a highly trophic aquatic environment. The case of Orbetello coastal lagoon,
, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 49, Number 6, p.763-774, (1999)
Performances of an electrochromic device based on WO3 oxide and Ce-V mixed oxide thin films,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3738, Berlin, Ger, p.474-478, (1999)
Poly-1-oxy-2-phenyltrimethylene as studied by 1H pulsed low resolution NMR: A possible oxygen scavenger,
, European Polymer Journal, Volume 35, Number 4, p.681-690, (1999)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the urban atmospheric particulate matter in the city of Naples (Italy),
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 33, Number 23, p.3731-3738, (1999)
Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based gel electrolyte membrane for lithium batteries,
, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 463, Number 2, p.248-252, (1999)
Preliminary fabrication and characterization of inert matrix and thoria fuels for plutonium disposition in light water reactors,
, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 274, Number 1, Villigen, Switz, p.23-33, (1999)
Properties of Bi2+xSr2-xCuO6+δ thin films obtained by MBE,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 353, Number 1, p.227-232, (1999)
Properties of transparent conducting Indium Tin Oxide films deposited by reactive e-beam evaporation on heated glass,
, Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena, Volume 67, Schwabisch Gmund, Ger, p.249-254, (1999)
Purification and characterization of the reconstitutively active citrate carrier from maize mitochondria.,
, Plant Physiology, Jan-07-1999, Volume 120, Issue 3, p.841 - 848, (1999)
Quantitative assessment of post tyrrhenian differential crustal movements in a Mediterranean coastal area (S. Vito-Sicily-Italy),
, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, Volume 24, Number 4, p.343-347, (1999)
Rapporto ENEA-EURISPES: Dalle aree depresse e marginali alla valorizzazione delle realtà locali.,
, Roma, (1999)
Response of potato gametoclones to infection of four root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne) species,
, Russian Journal of Nematology, 1999///, Volume 7, p.155 - 159, (1999)
Separation technologies: Tools to improve the sustainable development,
, Proceedings of the TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Conference, Volume 1, San Sebastian, p.223-229, (1999)
A single-chain antibody fragment is functionally expressed in the cytoplasm of both Escherichia coli and transgenic plants,
, European Journal of Biochemistry, 1999, Volume 262, p.617 - 624, (1999)
Size and shape effect on the canted antiferromagnetism in α-Fe2O3 particles,
, Nanostructured Materials, Volume 12, Number 5, Stockholm, Swed, p.939-942, (1999)