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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7572 results
Forced adhesive growth of K562 leukemic cells that normally grow in suspension induces variations in membrane lipids and energy metabolism: A proton NMR study, Lamanna, Raffaele, Motta A., Romano R., Rainaldi G., Flamma F., Pentimalli Marzia, Tancredi T., Indovina P.L., and Santini M.T. , Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Volume 46, Number 2, p.171-178, (1999)
Functional expression in bacteria and plants of an scFv antibody fragment against tospoviruses, Franconi, Rosella, Roggero P., Pirazzi P., Arias F.J., Desiderio Angiola, Bitti O., Pashkoulov D., Mattei B., Bracci L., Masenga V., et al. , Immunotechnology, 1999, Volume 4, p.189 - 201, (1999)
The genetic improvement of the Mediterranean Faba bean (Vicia faba L.). II. Transfer into Mediterranean lines of progressive traits found in other genetic pools: Seed quality associated with pure white flower, Bozzini, Alessandro, and Chiaretti Domenico , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1999///, Volume 53, p.201 - 206, (1999)
The genetic improvement of the Mediterranean Faba bean (Vicia faba L.). III. Development of obligate self fertile lines, Bozzini, Alessandro, and Chiaretti Domenico , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1999///, Volume 53, p.207 - 213, (1999)
Grain boundary location control by patterned metal film in excimer laser crystallized polysilicon, Mariucci, L., Carluccio R., Pecora A., Fortunato G., Massussi F., Foglietti V., Della Sala Dario, and Stoemenos J. , Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena, Volume 67, Schwabisch Gmund, Ger, p.175-180, (1999)
High quality ZnS:Mn thin films grown by quasi-rheotaxy for electroluminescent devices, Romeo, N., Cozzi S., Tedeschi R., Bosio A., Canevari V., Tagliente M.A., and Penza Michele , Thin Solid Films, Volume 348, Number 1, p.49-55, (1999)
High-performance gel-type lithium electrolyte membranes, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Romagnoli P., Scrosati B., Heider U., and Oesten R. , Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 1, Number 2, p.83-86, (1999)
High-resolution simulations of freely decaying shallow-water turbulence on a rotating sphere, Iacono, Roberto, Struglia Maria Vittoria, Ronchi C., and Nicastro S. , Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 22, Number 6, p.813-821, (1999)
Hydrogen isotope permeation through and inventory in the first wall of the water cooled Pb-17Li blanket for DEMO, Ogorodnikova, O.V., Fütterer M.A., Serra Emanuele, Benamati G., Salavy J.-F., and Aiello G. , Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 273, Number 1, p.66-78, (1999)
Incendi dl etá pleistocenica superiore e olocenica sulle montagne dell'appennino centrale, Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 12, Number 2, p.257-260, (1999)
Incoherent neutron scattering of copper azurin: A comparison with molecular dynamics simulation results, Paciaroni, A., Stroppolo M.E., Arcangeli Caterina, Bizzarri A.R., Desideri A., and Cannistraro S. , European Biophysics Journal, Volume 28, Number 6, p.447-456, (1999)
Influence of the assisting-ion-beam parameters on the laser-damage threshold of SiO2 films, Alvisi, Marco, De Nunzio G., Perrone M.R., Rizzo Antonella, Scaglione S., and Vasanelli L. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 338, Number 1-2, p.269-275, (1999)
Investigation on the suitability of plasma sprayed Fe-Cr-Al coatings as tritium permeation barrier, Fazio, C., Stein-Fechner K., Serra Emanuele, Glasbrenner H., and Benamati G. , Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 273, Number 3, p.233-238, (1999)
Laser damage testing of SiO2 and HfO2 thin films, Di Giulio, M., Alvisi Marco, Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, Valentini A., and Vasanelli L. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3738, Berlin, Ger, p.337-346, (1999)
Lateral growth control in excimer laser crystallized polysilicon, Mariucci, L., Carluccio R., Pecora A., Foglietti V., Fortunato G., Legagneux P., Pribat D., Della Sala Dario, and Stoemenos J. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 337, Number 1-2, p.137-142, (1999)
Lithium insertion into carbonaceous materials and transition metal oxides from high performance polymer electrolytes, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Marassi R., Persi L., Romagnoli P., and Scrosati B. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 45, Number 1, p.23-30, (1999)
Long-term molecular dynamics simulation of copper azurin: Structure, dynamics and functionality, Arcangeli, Caterina, Bizzarri A.R., and Cannistraro S. , Biophysical Chemistry, Volume 78, Number 3, p.247-257, (1999)
Metal recovery from NiMH batteries: Characterisation and leaching tests, Pietrelli, L., and Bellomo B. , Proceedings of the 5th International Battery Recycling Congress, p.27-29, (1999)
Metal recycling from exhasuted batteries, Pietrelli, L. , REWAS '99: Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology, Volume 2, p.675-680, (1999)
Metal recycling from exhausted batteries, Pietrelli, L. , Proceedings of the TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Conference, Volume 1, San Sebastian, p.675-680, (1999)
Molecular characterization of the anthocyanidin synthase gene in Forsythia x intermedia reveals organ-specific expression during flower development, Rosati, C., Cadic A., Duron M., Ingouff M., and Simoneau P. , Plant Science, Volume 149, Number 1, p.73-79, (1999)
A molecular dynamics simulation study of the solvent isotope effect on copper plastocyanin, Guzzi, R., Arcangeli Caterina, and Bizzarri A.R. , Biophysical Chemistry, Volume 82, Number 1, p.9-22, (1999)
Molecular markers in the identification of some early flowering Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) species, Apavatjrut, P., Anuntalabhochai S., Sirirugsa P., and Alisi Chiara , Annals of Botany, Volume 84, Number 4, p.529-534, (1999)
Monte Carlo simulations of systems of rodlike molecules with semiflexible terminal groups, Vacatello, M., and Di Landa G. , Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, Volume 8, Number 1, p.85-92, (1999)
Mosses as indicators of radioactivity deposition around a coal-fired power station, Delfanti, Roberta, Papucci C., and Benco C. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 227, Number 1, p.49-56, (1999)