Produzione Scientifica
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A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 55, Number 1-2, p.3 – 34, (2020)
Description and evaluation of the Earth System Regional Climate Model (Reg CM-ES),
, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Volume 9, Number 4, p.1863-1886, (2017)
Med-CORDEX initiative for Mediterranean climate studies,
, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Number 7, p.1187-1208, (2016)
Understanding and attributing the Euro-Russian summer blocking signatures,
, Atmospheric Science Letters, Volume 15, Number 3, p.204-210, (2014)
The impact of deep convection on the West African summer monsoon climate: A regional climate model sensitivity study,
, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 137, Number 659, p.1417-1430, (2011)
An atmosphere-ocean regional climate model for the Mediterranean area: Assessment of a present climate simulation,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 35, Number 5, p.721-740, (2010)
Multiyear simulation of the African climate using a regional climate model (RegCM3) with the high resolution ERA-interim reanalysis,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 35, Number 1, p.231-247, (2010)
Simulation of the intraseasonal and the interannual variability of rainfall over West Africa with RegCM3 during the monsoon period,
, International Journal of Climatology, Volume 30, Number 12, p.1865-1883, (2010)