Progetto SILER
Seismic-lnitiated events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors
'SILER is a Project aimed at studying the risk associated to seismic initiated events in Generation IV Heavy Liquid Metal reactors and developing adequate protection measures. The attention is focused on the evaluation of the effects of earthquakes (with particular regards to beyond design seismic events and tsunamis) and to the identification of mitigation strategies, acting both on structures/components design as well as on the development of isolation devices, which can also have positive effects on economics, leading to an high level of plant design standardization. Attention is devoted also to the identification of plant layout solutions able to avoid risks of radioactive release from both the core and other structures (i.e. the spent fuel storage pools). Specific effort is devoted to the development of guidelines and recommendations for addressing the seismic issue in next generation reactor systems. In addition, consideration will be devoted to transfer the knowledge developed in the project to Generation III advanced systems, in line with the objective of the SNE-TP SRA to support present and future Light Water Reactors and their further development, for which safety issues are key aspects to be addressed. Note, in this respect, that the benefits of seismic isolation in terms of response to design seismic actions are already widely recognized for Generation III LWRs, along with the possibility of a significant standardization of structural and equipment design.'