- Persone
- Ettore Petralia
Ettore Petralia
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He graduated in Biological Sciences in 2001 and in 2008 he obtained the International II Level Master Diploma in Landscape design and environmental planning in the Mediterranean area at the Scuola Superiore of the University of Catania. In 2012 he acquired the International PhD Diploma in Entomological science and defense of agro-ecosystems (University of Catania).
He has experience in air quality and air pollution study. He is experienced in the field of biology, ecology and management of natural and anthropized environments He has also experience in the use of ecological components (abiotic and biotic) for the environmental assessment and territorial planning.
He is currently Research Fellow at the ENEA Centre of Bologna, where at the laboratory LECOP-MIA he collaborates in conducting studies on air pollution, with particular reference to monitoring and chemical characterization of the aero-suspended particle and individuation and quantification of the diverse emission sources (Source Apportionment).