- Persone
- Antonella Malaguti
Antonella Malaguti
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Graduated with a degree in Biology from the University of Ferrara, Italy in 1984. She is a senior researcher at the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) since 1993. Her activity was concerning ecology studies on photosynthetic phytoplankton production and isotopic techniques. She has been responsible for photosynthetic carbon uptake measurements in national and international projects (e.g. Mass Transfer and Ecosystem Respons (MATER), Biosiliceous Sedimantation in the Sothern Ocean (BIOSESO), Seasonal, INterannual and decAdal variabilità of the atmosPhere, oceanS and related marIne ecosystems (SINAPSI), Mobility of radioniclides in Kongs/Krossfjords (Svalbard) (MORAK), VulnErability of the Italian coastal area and marine Ecosystems to Climatic changes and Their rOle in the Mediterranean caRbon cycles (VECTOR). From 2006 her research focuses mainly on chemical characterization of tropostpheric aerosol and monitoring atmospheric pollution in urban and rural environment. She has participated in several projects funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Health and regional governments (e.g. Integrated National Model in support to the International Negotiation on Air Pollution (MINNI), EpiAir Air pollution and health epidemiological surveillance and prevention, Tecnopolo-ENEA project).