Roberto Iacono
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Filters: Author is Roberto Iacono
The 2009 Surface and Intermediate Circulation of the Tyrrhenian Sea as Assessed by an Operational Model,
, The Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns, p.59-74, (2014)
The 2009 surface and intermediate circulation of the yrrhenian sea as assessed by an operational model,
, Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 202, p.59-74, (2014)
Approximate analytic solutions to the isothermal Lane-Emden equation,
, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Jan-03-2014, Volume 118, Issue 3, Number 3, p.291-298, (2014)
Liouvillian integrability of gravitating static isothermal fluid spheres,
, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 55, Number 10, (2014)
Seasonal variability of the tyrrhenian sea surface geostrophic circulation as assessed by altimeter data,
, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Volume 43, Number 8, p.1710-1732, (2013)
Class of solvable nonlinear oscillators with isochronous orbits,
, Physical Review E, Jan-02-2011, Volume 83, Issue 2, (2011)
The two-layer skirted Island,
, Journal of Marine Research, Volume 69, Number 2-3, p.347-382, (2011)
Contribution of COSMO/SKYMED data into PRIMI: A Pilot Project on marine oil pollution. Results after one year of operations,
, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Honolulu, HI, p.4799-4802, (2010)
Stable shallow water vortices over localized topography,
, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Volume 40, Number 5, p.1143-1150, (2010)
Tyrrhenian Sea circulation and water mass fluxes in spring 2004: Observations and model results,
, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Jan-01-2010, Volume 115, Issue C6, Number 6, (2010)
The skirted island: The effect of topography on the flow around planetary scale islands,
, Journal of Marine Research, Volume 67, Number 4, p.435-478, (2009)
Comment on 'On the general solution for the modified Emden-type equation ẍ + α x x· + β x3 = 0',
, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 41, Number 6, (2008)
An exact result for the Thomas-Fermi equation: A priori bounds for the potential slope at the origin,
, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 41, Number 45, (2008)
Comment on "exact analytic solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems in fluid mechanics (Blasius equations)" [J. Math. Phys. 46, 033101 (2005)],
, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 47, Number 3, (2006)
Critical flow solution to Gill's model of rotating channel hydraulics,
, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Oct-04-2006, Volume 552, Issue -1, p.381, (2006)
Analytic solutions to the shallow water equations,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 72, Number 1, (2005)
Comments on "The barotropic normal modes in certain shear flows and the traveling waves in the atmosphere",
, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 61, Number 19, p.2397-2399, (2004)
How strong is carbon cycle-climate feedback under global warming?,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 31, Number 20, p.L20203 1-5, (2004)
On the existence of Arnold-stable barotropic flows on a rotating sphere,
, Physics of Fluids, Volume 15, Number 12, p.3879-3882, (2003)
Stretching, alignment, and shear in slowly varying velocity fields,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 68, Number 5 2, p.563041-563046, (2003)
Local energy generation in barotropic flows,
, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 59, Number 13, p.2153-2163, (2002)
High-resolution simulations of freely decaying shallow-water turbulence on a rotating sphere,
, Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 22, Number 6, p.813-821, (1999)
Spontaneous formation of equatorial jets in freely decaying shallow water turbulence,
, Physics of Fluids, Volume 11, Number 5, p.1272-1274, (1999)
The ".Cubed sphere": A new method for the solution of partial differential equations in spherical geometry,
, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 124, Number 1, p.93-114, (1996)
Finite difference approximation to the shallow water equations on a quasi-uniform spherical grid,
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 919, p.741-747, (1995)