- Persone
- Emanuela Pichelli
Emanuela Pichelli
I obtained my degree in Physics (2007) and my Ph.D. in Physics (2011) from the University of L'Aquila. The underlying theme of my research is extreme precipitation in complex morphology environment.
During my first Post Doc at the Univ. of L'Aquila I dealt with numerical weather prediction models at convection-permitting (CP) scale (km) for investigating severe weather processes.
In 2013 I have been visiting scientist at MMM division at NCAR in Boulder, conducting research about key processes for predictability of high impact weather events observed during the the Hydrological cycle in Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX), which I took part in 2012.
In 2017 I have joined the Earth System Physics group at the ICTP in Trieste first as a Post Doc and then as an Associate Researcher; there I have dedicated my research to km-scale modeling for climate applications, contributing to build, test and apply the non-hydrostatic versions of RegCM(4.7.1 and 5.0) model, partecipating to the first coordinated multi-model experiment at the CP-scale within the CORDEX-FPSCONV activity and to the European H2020 projects EUCP and XAIDA, enjoying fruitful international collaborations.
In 2023 I have joined the Climate Models and Services Laboratory at ENEA in Rome, where I am contributing to the next generation of high-resolution climate model applications for the Mediterranean area.