Melania Michetti
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Filters: Author is Melania Michetti
Global assessment of heat wave magnitudes from 1901 to 2010 and implications for the river discharge of the Alps,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 571, p.1330-1339, (2016)
Climate-human-land interactions: A review of major modelling approaches,
, Land, Volume 3, Number 3, p.793-833, (2014)
Fires in the perspective of future changes: the contribute of CMCC to FUME Project,
, SISC, Second Annual Conference Climate change: scenarios, impacts and policy, (2014)
Value at Risk,
, Associazione Nazionale Enciclopedia della Banca Borsa Working Paper, Number 2, (2013)
, Bankpedia Review, Volume 3, Issue 2, (2013)
Afforestation and timber management compliance strategies in climate policy. A computable general equilibrium analysis,
, Ecological Economics, Volume 77, p.139-148, (2012)
Improving land-use modelling within CGE to assess forest-based mitigation potential and costs,
, CMCC Research Paper, Number 126, (2012)
, Bankpedia Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, p.33, (2011)
Climate Change, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Financial Institutions,
, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ethics and Environmental Policies, Padova, Italy, p.23–25, (2008)
When Consumption Generate Social Capital: Creating Room for Manoeuvre for Pro-Poor Policies,
, African Journal of Business & Management, Volume 4, Number 14, p.2903–2914, (2008)