Produzione Scientifica
Found 7538 results
Microbial community composition from full-scale reactors treating mature landfill leachate through innovative biological processes and its importance in mathematical modeling,
, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2024, Volume 204, (2024)
Microparticelle contenenti vitamina D3 prodotte mediante spray drying,
, XIV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SINut, 09/2024, (2024)
Microplastics in bulk atmospheric deposition along the coastal region of Victoria Land, Antarctica,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 949, (2024)
Mitochondrial sirtuin 3 and role of natural compounds: the effect of post-translational modifications on cellular metabolism,
, Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mar-07-2024, Volume 59, Issue 3-4, p.199 - 220, (2024)
A Modeling Analysis of Wastewater Heat Recovery Effects on Wastewater Treatment Plant Nitrification,
, Water (Switzerland), Volume 16, Number 8, (2024)
Modeling complete and shortcut simultaneous nitrification and denitrification coupled to phosphorus removal in moving bed biofilm reactors,
, Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 59, (2024)
Modulatory Effect of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) on the 2-Oxoglutarate Mitochondrial Carrier,
, Molecules, Volume 29, Number 21, (2024)
Molecular Investigations to Improve Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat: An Update Focusing on Multi-Omics Approaches,
, Plants, Volume 13, Number 16, (2024)
Monitoring Gas Emissions in Agricultural Productions through Low-Cost Technologies: The POREM (Poultry-Manure-Based Bio-Activator for Better Soil Management through Bioremediation) Project Experience,
, Earth, Jan-12-2024, Volume 5, Issue 4, Number 4, p.564 - 582, (2024)
Mortality from extreme meteorological and hydrogeological events in Italy: a rising health threat connected to climate change,
, Safety in Extreme Environments, Dec-02-2024, Volume 6, Number 3, p.173-181, (2024)
A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Development of a Supply Chain in Biomass Conversion of Agrifood Waste Mediated by Larvae of Hermetia illucens L.: From Rearing to By-Product Exploitation,
, Agriculture (Switzerland), Volume 14, Number 7, (2024)
A Multi-Stage Model for Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring of Coastal Seawater,
, 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, MetroSea 2024 - Proceedings, p.501 – 506, (2024)
Murine Skin Dosimetry Under Millimeter Wave Exposure,
, IEEE Journal of Microwaves, p.1-9, (2024)
Navigating a Microplastic Sea: How the Pacific Cupped Oyster (Magallana gigas) Respond to Microplastic Pollution in Lagoons,
, Toxics, Jan-06-2024, Volume 12, Issue 6, p.429, (2024)
New Insights into Tyrrhenian Sea Warming and Heat Penetration through Long-Term Expendable Bathythermograph Data,
, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Volume 12, Number 10, (2024)
New Materials for Thermal Barrier Coatings: Design, Manufacturing and Performance,
, Ceramic Coatings for High-Temperature Environments: From Thermal Barrier to Environmental Barrier Applications, Cham, p.3–36, (2024)
A New Method for Selective Extraction of Torularhodin from Red Yeast Using CO2-SFE Technique,
, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, (2024)
New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023,
, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, (2024)
New Strategies to Improve the Efficiency of Curcumin-Based Iridium Complexes for OLED Devices,
, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, (2024)
NLR- and mlo-Based Resistance Mechanisms against Powdery Mildew in Cannabis sativa,
, Plants, Volume 13, Number 1, (2024)
Northwestern Mediterranean Heavy Precipitation Events in a Warmer Climate: Robust Versus Uncertain Changes With a Large Convection-Permitting Model Ensemble,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 51, Number 6, (2024)
Ocean surface radiation measurement best practices,
, Frontiers in Marine Science, May-23-2024, Volume 11, (2024)
Olive mill wastewater as a source of defense-promoting by-products against microbial pathogens,
, Plant Stress, Jan-10-2024, Volume 14, p.100623, (2024)
One-step silver coating of polypropylene surgical mask with antibacterial and antiviral properties,
, Heliyon, Volume 10, Number 1, (2024)