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Produzione Scientifica

Found 17 results
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Egypt's coastal vulnerability to sea level rise and storm surge, Torresan, S., Furlan E., Critto A., Michetti Melania, and Marcomini A. , 13th International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation, MEDCOAST 2017, Volume 2, p.675-686, (2017)
Sea-level rise and potential drowning of the Italian coastal plains: Flooding risk scenarios for 2100, Antonioli, F., Anzidei M., Amorosi A., V. Presti Lo, Mastronuzzi G., Deiana G., de Falco G., Fontana A., Fontolan G., Lisco S., et al. , Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 158, p.29-43, (2017)
Glaciers and ice sheets: Current status and trends, Frezzotti, M, and Orombelli G. , Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 25, Number 1, p.59-70, (2014)
Impact of multialtimeter sea level assimilation in the Mediterranean forecasting model, Pujol, M.-I., Dobricic S., Pinardi N., and Adani Mario , Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 27, Number 12, p.2065-2082, (2010)