Produzione Scientifica
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Evolution of Coastal Environments under Inundation Scenarios Using an Oceanographic Model and Remote Sensing Data,
, Remote Sensing, 07-2024, Volume 16, Issue 16, Number 14, p.2599, (2024)
Development of a Multi-Dimensional Coastal Vulnerability Index: Assessing vulnerability to inundation scenarios in the Italian coast,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 772, p.144650, (2021)
MIS 5.5 highstand and future sea level flooding at 2100 and 2300 in tectonically stable areas of central mediterranean sea: Sardinia and the pontina plain (Southern Latium), Italy,
, Water (Switzerland), Volume 13, Number 18, (2021)
Aspects of the summer circulation in the eastern Ligurian Sea,
, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, (2020)
Relative sea-level rise and potential submersion risk for 2100 on 16 coastal plains of the mediterranean sea,
, Water (Switzerland), Volume 12, Number 8, (2020)
Tyrrhenian sea level at 2000 BP: evidence from Roman age fish tanks and their geological calibration,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 29, p.69-80, (2018)
Egypt's coastal vulnerability to sea level rise and storm surge,
, 13th International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation, MEDCOAST 2017, Volume 2, p.675-686, (2017)
Sea-level rise and potential drowning of the Italian coastal plains: Flooding risk scenarios for 2100,
, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 158, p.29-43, (2017)
Relationships linking primary production, sea ice melting, and biogenic aerosol in the Arctic,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 136, p.1-15, (2016)
Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive analysis,
, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 119, p.66-84, (2015)
Glaciers and ice sheets: Current status and trends,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 25, Number 1, p.59-70, (2014)
Decadal variability of net water flux at the Mediterranean Sea Gibraltar Strait,
, Global and Planetary Change, Volume 100, p.1-10, (2013)
A review of global ocean temperature observations: Implications for ocean heat content estimates and climate change,
, Reviews of Geophysics, Volume 51, Number 3, p.450-483, (2013)
Quality assessment of a 1985-2007 Mediterranean sea reanalysis,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 28, Number 4, p.569-589, (2011)
The sediments of the 'Stagno di Maccarese' marsh (Tiber river delta, central italy): A late-Holocene record of natural and human-induced environmental changes,
, Holocene, Volume 21, Number 8, p.1233-1243, (2011)
Impact of multialtimeter sea level assimilation in the Mediterranean forecasting model,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 27, Number 12, p.2065-2082, (2010)
Insignificant change in antarctic snowfall since the international geophysical year,
, Science, Volume 313, Number 5788, p.827-831, (2006)