Produzione Scientifica
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Innovative graph-based video processing methodology for collapse early warning of historic masonry building,
, Acta IMEKO, Volume 13, Number 2, (2024)
Tram- and train-induced vibrations in the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome,
, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, (2024)
Advanced Digital Video Analyses to Estimate the Dynamic Behavior for Proper Design of a Base-Isolation System of the Sarcophagus of the Spouses at the National Etruscan Museum in Rome: Preliminary Results,
, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 309 LNCE, p.707 – 716, (2023)
Advanced Video-Based Processing for Low-Cost Damage Assessment of Buildings under Seismic Loading in Shaking Table Tests,
, Sensors, Volume 23, Number 11, (2023)
Processing of shaking table test data of a historic masonry structure by graph-based methods,
, IMEKO TC4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2023, p.514-519, (2023)
Motion Magnification Applications for the Protection of Italian Cultural Heritage Assets,
, Sensors, Volume 22, Number 24, (2022)
Study of Etruscan Tombs Using a Multidisciplinary Approach: Case of Campana Tomb,
, Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, Volume 2, p.1823-1849, (2022)
Sperimentazione dell’ENEA condivisa in remoto per la diffusione di tecnologie innovative di protezione antisismica,
, Archeomatica, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.34-37, (2017)