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Divisione Modelli, Osservazioni e Scenari per il Cambiamento Climatico e la Qualità dell'Aria publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Modelli, Osservazioni e Scenari per il Cambiamento Climatico e la Qualità dell'Aria attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Presentazione a Congresso 14 7 12 5 11 8 4 12 1 4 78
Atti di Congresso 2 3 2 2 4 4 5 3 25
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 56 77 56 57 62 70 65 44 52 48 6 593
Monografia 6 3 1 3 13
Miscellanea 1 2 2 1 1 7
Capitolo di Monografia 1 1 3 2 7
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 2 1 1 2 1 7
Totale 79 89 78 64 76 81 75 66 61 55 6 730
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Mircea, M., Facchini M.C., Decesari S., Fuzzi S., & Charlson R.J. (2002).  The influence of the organic aerosol component on CCN supersaturation spectra for different aerosol types. Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology. 54, 74-81.
Iacono, R. (2002).  Local energy generation in barotropic flows. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 59, 2153-2163.
Bargagli, A., Carillo A., Pisacane G., Ruti P.M., Struglia M V., & Tartaglione N. (2002).  An integrated forecast system over the Mediterranean basin: Extreme surge prediction in the northern Adriatic Sea. Monthly Weather Review. 130, 1317-1332.
Bordi, I., Dell'Aquila A., Speranza A., & Sutera A. (2002).  Formula for a baroclinic adjustment theory of climate. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 54, 260-272.
Catani, F., Righini G., Moretti S., Dessena M.A., & Rodolfi G. (2002).  Remote sensing and GIS as tools for the hydro-geomorphological modeling of soil erosion in semi-arid mediterranean regions. Management Information Systems. 43-52.
Marenco, F., Di Sarra A., & De Luisi J. (2002).  Methodology for determining aerosol optical depth from brewer 300–320–nm ozone measurements. Applied Optics. 41, 1805-1814.
Pietrella, M., Kazimirovsky E.S., De Franceschi G., Grigioni P., & Scotto C. (2002).  Could we find any signal of the stratosphere-ionosphere coupling in Antarctica?. Annals of Geophysics. 45, 145-154.
Costa, A.L., Bezzi G., La Torretta T. M. G., & Verna S. (2002).  New process for the preparation of pigment-coated phosphors on the base of electroacoustic characterization. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 22, 1667-1672.
Bizzarri, B., Bordi I., Petitta M., & Sutera A. (2002).  Sensitivity of cloud radiative forcing to changes of microphysical parameters measured by the CLOUDS mission. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 25, 323-337.
Giordani, P., Helder W., Koning E., Miserocchi S., Danovaro R., & Malaguti A. (2002).  Gradients of benthic-pelagic coupling and carbon budgets in the Adriatic and Northern Ionian Sea. Journal of Marine Systems. 33-34, 365-387.
Antonioli, F., Cremona G., Immordino F., Puglisi C., Romagnoli C., Silenzi S., et al. (2002).  New data on the Holocenic sea-level rise in NW Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea). Global and Planetary Change. 34, 121-140.
Di Sarra, A., Disterhoft P., & DeLuis J.J. (2002).  On the importance of spectral responsivity of Robertson-Berger-type ultraviolet radiometers for long-term observations. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 76, 64-72.
Di Sarra, A., Cacciani M., Fiocco G., Fuà D., & Jørgensen T.S. (2002).  Lidar observations of polar stratospheric clouds over northern Greenland in the period 1990-1997. Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 107, AAC 6-1 - AAC 6-16.
Marenco, F., Di Sarra A., & De Luisi J. (2002).  Methodology for determining aerosol optical depth from Brewer 300-320-nm ozone measurements. Applied Optics. 41, 1805-1814.
Rao, M.P., Casadio S., Fiocco G., Cacciani M., Di Sarra A., Fuà D., et al. (2002).  Estimation of atmospheric water vapour flux profiles in the nocturnal unstable urban boundary layer with Doppler sodar and Raman lidar. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 102, 39-62.
Di Sarra, A., Cacciani M., Chamard P., Cornwall C., DeLuisi J.J., Di Iorio T., et al. (2002).  Effects of desert dust and ozone on the ultraviolet irradiance at the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa during PAUR II. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 107, 2-1-2-14.
Cristofaro, M., Hayat R., Gültekin L., Tozlu G., Zengin H., Tronci C., et al. (2002).  Preliminary screening of new natural enemies of yellow starthistle, Centaurea solstitialis L.(Asteraceae) in Eastern Anatolia. Meeting Proceedings.
Carpani, B., De Canio G., Clemente P., Martelli A., Forni M., & Indirli M. (2001).  Further New Projects in Italy for the Development of Innovative Techniques for the Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Martelli, A., Forni M., Indirli M., Arato G.-B., Poggianti A., Marioni A., et al. (2001).  Development and application of the innovative anti-seismic techniques: (2) new activities in progress at ENEA, Italy, in the framework of national collaborations. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP. 428, 133-148.
Gravili, D., Napolitano E., & Pierini S. (2001).  Barotropic aspects of the dynamics of the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea). Continental Shelf Research. 21, 455-471.
Fuzzi, S., Decesari S., Facchini M.C., Matta E., Mircea M., & Tagliavini E. (2001).  A simplified model of the water soluble organic component of atmospheric aerosols. Geophysical Research Letters. 28, 4079-4082.
Decesari, S., Facchini M.C., Matta E., Lettini F., Mircea M., Fuzzi S., et al. (2001).  Chemical features and seasonal variation of fine aerosol water-soluble organic compounds in the Po Valley, Italy. Atmospheric Environment. 35, 3691-3699.
Nagata, M., Leslie L., Kamahori H., Nomura R., Mino H., Kurihara Y., et al. (2001).  A mesoscale model intercomparison: A case of explosive development of a tropical cyclone (COMPARE III). Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. 79, 999-1033.
King, G., Ganther W., Hughes J., Grigioni P., & Pellegrini A. (2001).  Studies in Antarctica Help to Better Define the Temperature Criterion for Atmospheric Corrosion.
Frezzotti, M., Salvatore M.C., Vittuari L., Grigioni P., & De Silvestri L. (2001).  Satellite image map: Northern Foothills and Inexpressible Island area (Victoria Land, Antarctica). Terra Antartica Reports. 6, 8.
Di Sarra, A., Cacciani. M., Campanelli M., Chamard P., Cornwall C., DeLuisi J., et al. (2001).  Radiation, ozone and aerosol measurements at Lampedusa during the PAUR-II campaign. IRS2000: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium, St. Petersburg, Russia 24-29 July 2000. 1360.
Di Sarra, A., Di Iorio T., Cacciani M., Fiocco G., & Fuà D. (2001).  Saharan dust profiles measured by lidar at Lampedusa. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 106, 10335-10347.
van Woert, M.L., Meier W.N., Zou C.-Z., Archer A., Pellegrini A., Grigioni P., et al. (2001).  Satellite observations of upper-ocean currents in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology. 33, 407-412.
Marsili, M., Stracquadanio M., Trombini C., & Vassura I. (2001).  The epicuticular wax of Laurus nobilis leaves as a passive sampler of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 10, 26-30.
Viani, S., Viskovic A., Bonci A., Biritognolo M., Croci G., Infanti S., et al. (2000).  Experimental Tests on Masonry Structures Provided with Shape Memory Alloy Antiseismic Devices. 12th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering - WCEE 2000.
Venturi, G., Poggianti A., Indirli M., Forni M., De Canio G., Clemente P., et al. (2000).  Contribution of ENEA to the Development of Innovative Techniques for Improving Seismic Protection of Civil and Industrial Structures.
Martelli, A., Forni M., Clemente P., Carpani B., & Indirli M. (2000).  L'Applicazione Pilota dei Dispositivi con Lega a Memoria di Forma: il Campanile della Chiesa di S. Giorgio in Trignano.
Buffoni, G., & Cappelletti A. (2000).  Size structured populations: Dispersion effects due to stochastic variability of the individual growth rate. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 31, 27-34.
Napolitano, E., Oguz T., Malanotte-Rizzoli P., Yilmaz A., & Sansone E. (2000).  Simulations of biological production in the Rhodes and Ionian basins of the eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Marine Systems. 24, 277-298.
Facchini, M.C., Decesari S., Mircea M., Fuzzi S., & Loglio G. (2000).  Surface tension of atmospheric wet aerosol and cloud/fog droplets in relation to their organic carbon content and chemical composition. Atmospheric Environment. 34, 4853-4857.
Mircea, M., Stefan S., & Fuzzi S. (2000).  Precipitation scavenging coefficient: Influence of measured aerosol and raindrop size distributions. Atmospheric Environment. 34, 5169-5174.
Casadio, S., Putz E., Zehner C., & Pisacane G. (2000).  Measurements of water vapour vertical content from GOME using the ERA method: Comparisons with independent techniques. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 2056-2058.
Casadio, S., Zehner C., Pisacane G., & Putz E. (2000).  Empirical retrieval of the atmospheric air mass factor (ERA) for the measurement of water vapour vertical content using GOME data. Geophysical Research Letters. 27, 1483-1486.
Colacino, M., Piervitali E., & Grigioni P. (2000).  Climatic characterization of the Terra Nova Bay Region. Ross Sea Ecology. 15-26.
Zehner, C., Casadio S., Di Sarra A., & Putz E. (2000).  Temperature Indepent Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (TIDAS) and Simplified Atmospheric Air Mass Factor (SAMF) techniques for the measurement of total ozone using GOME data. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 2338-2346.
Tampieri, A., Celotti G., Lesca S., Bezzi G., La Torretta T. M. G., & Magnani G. (2000).  Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (2223) superconductor prepared by improved sol-gel technique. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 20, 119-126.
Martelli, A., Indirli M., Forni M., & Carpani B. (1999).  Applicazione di tecnologie antisismiche innovative per l'adeguamento sismico del patrimonio culturale italiano danneggiato da terremoti recenti.
Buffoni, G., & Cappelletti A. (1999).  Oxygen dynamics in a highly trophic aquatic environment. The case of Orbetello coastal lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 49, 763-774.
Facchini, M.C., Mircea M., Fuzzi S., & Charlson R.J. (1999).  Cloud albedo enhancement by surface-active organic solutes in growing droplets. Nature. 401, 257-259.
Iacono, R., Struglia M V., Ronchi C., & Nicastro S. (1999).  High-resolution simulations of freely decaying shallow-water turbulence on a rotating sphere. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 22, 813-821.
Iacono, R., Struglia M V., & Ronchi C. (1999).  Spontaneous formation of equatorial jets in freely decaying shallow water turbulence. Physics of Fluids. 11, 1272-1274.
Disperati, L., Righini G., Salvini R., Ciali A., Coscini N., Fantozzi P. Lorenzo, et al. (1999).  Effects of land-cover change on soil loss in the Sao Gabriel do Oeste area (Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil). Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 3868, 207-218.
Chamard, P., Ciattaglia L., Di Sarra A., Grigioni P., Monteleone F., & Sarao R. (1999).  The ENEA station for climate observations at Lampedusa. ENEA Technical Report.
Fiocco, G., Calisse P.G., Cacciani M., Casadio S., Pace G., & Fuà D. (1999).  ABLE: Development of an Airborne Lidar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 16, 1337-1344.
Vettraino, F., Magnani G., La Torretta T. M. G., Marmo E., Coelli S., Luzzi L., et al. (1999).  Preliminary fabrication and characterization of inert matrix and thoria fuels for plutonium disposition in light water reactors. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 274, 23-33.