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Alcide di Sarra

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Filters: Author is Alcide Di Sarra
Desert aerosol in the Mediterranean, Di Sarra, Alcide, Cacciani M., DeLuisi J., De Silvestri Lorenzo, Di Iorio Tatiana, Fiocco G., and Grigioni P. , Mediterranean Climate: Variability and Trends, p.309-315, (2003)
Giorgio Fiocco: A jolly good fellow and his research, Benedetti-Michelangeli, G., Cacciani M., Capasso A., Congeduti F., Di Iorio Tatiana, Di Sarra Alcide, Fuà D., Grams G., Magyar G., Pace Giandomenico, et al. , Annals of Geophysics, Volume 46, Number 2, p.173-184, (2003)
Interannual variability of atmospheric CO2 in the Mediterranean: Measurements at the island at Lampedusa, Chamard, P., Thiery F., Di Sarra Alcide, Ciattaglia L., De Silvestri Lorenzo, Grigioni P., Monteleone Francesco, and Piacentino Salvatore , Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, Volume 55, Number 2, p.83-93, (2003)
Lidar observations of equatorial cirrus clouds at Mahé Seychelles, Pace, Giandomenico, Cacciani M., Di Sarra Alcide, Fiocco G., and Fuà D. , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 108, Number 8, p.AAC 2-1 - AAC 2-11, (2003)
Observation of polar stratospheric clouds with the ABLE LIDAR during the APE-POLECAT flight of January 9, 1997, Pace, Giandomenico, Cacciani M., Calisse P.G., Di Sarra Alcide, Fiocco G., Fuà D., Rinaldi L., and Casadio S. , Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 34, Number 6, p.801-814, (2003)
Tropospheric aerosols in the Mediterranean: 1. Microphysical and optical properties, Di Iorio, Tatiana, Di Sarra Alcide, Junkermann W., Cacciani M., Fiocco G., and Fuà D. , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 108, Number 10, p.AAC 3-1 - 3-10, (2003)
Tropospheric aerosols in the Mediterranean: 2. Radiative effects through model simulations and measurements, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, DeLuisi J., Di Iorio Tatiana, Fiocco G., Junkermann W., and Pace Giandomenico , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 108, Number 10, p.AAC 4-1 - 4-16, (2003)
Tropospheric aerosols in the Mediterranean: 3. Measurements and modeling of actinic radiation profiles, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Fiocco G., and Junkermann W. , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 108, Number 10, p.AAC 6-1 - 6-12, (2003)